18三年,一张照片,一本同学录,一张志愿表。今天下午听赵立上最后一节课的时候无法抑制的哭了出来。跟着大家唱《明天会更好》的时候已经哽咽得发不出声了。想着从此以后再也不会有这样大家一起认真坐在教室里的机会了,鼻子一直泛着酸,心里也有说不出的感伤。同桌曾经说我哭起来鼻头和眼眶都红红的很可爱很好笑,可她今天只是默默的递给我纸巾,看着我认真的说:小岚我舍不得你,以后我们一定要常联系。 三年的时光真的装载了我太
1Just a small town girl livin in a lonely world She took the midnight train goin anywhere... Just a city boy born and raised in South Detroit He took the midnight train goin anywhere.... A singer in a smoky room The smell of wine and cheap perfume For a smile they can share the night It goes on and on and on and on... Strangers waiting up and down the boulevard Their shadows searching in the night Streetlight people living just to find emotion Hiding somewhere in the night Working hard to get my fill, everybody wants a thrill Payin anything to roll the dice Just one more time Some will win, som15Elbow - One Day Like This Drinking in the morning sun Blinking in the morning sun Shaking off the heavy one Heavy like a loaded gun What made me behave that way? Using words I never say I can only think it must be love Oh, anyway, it's looking like a beautiful day Someone tell me how I feel It's silly wrong but vivid right Oh, kiss me like the final meal Yeah, kiss me like we die tonight Cause holy cow, I love your eyes And only now I see the light Yeah, lying with me half-awake Oh, anyway, it's looking like a beautiful day When my face is chamois-creased If you think I'll wink, I did0从小都是她比不上我,怎么可以在最后被她超了。012以后不可以打屁屁。30其实生活最重要的还是不要丧失一颗永远热枕的心。1快乐乐~06却终究明白那温柔不属于我6一步一步走过昨天我的孩子气,我的孩子气给我勇气1中秋快乐~0各种月饼赏月3= =4啊哈。3用眼睛去素描 你内心的世界20却一直不敢和你打电话15这个吧真是不和谐3那啥什么负面情绪的好久没来了啊,亦或许它一直都在只是被我刻意忽略了。不过也算不上刻意,最近还真是忙得天昏地暗不知所以了,各种补课各种警示各种浮7路过此地来报个道。啧啧啧。4贫道路过此地 灵气满溢 欲求实情 果然樱小道友3欠你的20我找时间给你╭(╯3╰)╮16哼唧。371各位努力哈,不过最近在出差,不一定能及时发图,回来一定全部补上!!!(想要全套的人悄悄M我吧,准备好资源吧。哇哈哈哈哈哈!!!)4话说怎么没有吧主呢?2那啥封口费5一会你婆婆就买东西回来我吃了,再然后我就和小张吹电话去了1我找到这来了71小岚的吧、、、我要当吧主~