0经核实吧主025ebaacad 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 瓜瓜瓜瓜瓜吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
9just realized that for most ppl IN CHINA, when u r young , ppl around u, parents grand-parents, uncles & aunts, make good life for u. u
0Do what u want when u want to be good. never think too much or hesitate before u set ur foot in. unless it's about how u do it better.
0Frustrated disappointed helpless
0what you should react is to make it do
0once i've traveled 7 rivers to find my love and once ....? well if i have to i will die 7 days just to lie in the arms of my ....? EVERSLEEP
0and maybe there is neither why. peope keep telling me they are sad, scattered and hurt. actually they are meanwhile authentic, close and thu
0I'm sorry if i set you up I tend to refuse any girl at the very first time who seems to me have feelings for me unless i do too. As time goe
2这个吧以前吧主不是王铎,那个字年duo,第二声,他只是一个死活到不了3级的苦逼创立者,吧主被别人抢了 ~~·
0waterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwaterwater wate
3His name is Wangze....I didn't check the title before, interesting..
0I thought If I spend enough time learning sth I will become the best. But now I realize what I become may just be one of the best, not the b
2Give me three days of bright, Ill show you the brilliance of the world.