1论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-469088-1-1.html Japan-based US sailors suspected of drug dealing American sailors serving in Yokosuka arebeing investigated over allegations of selling, buying and using hard drugswhile stationed in Japan. The scandal is the latest in a series of incidentsinvolving the US Navy’s 7th Fleet. 驻扎在横须贺的美军正接受调查,据称他们在驻日期间涉嫌销售,购买和使用硬性毒品。这是美国海军第七舰队一系列丑闻中的最新一起。 评论翻译 论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-469088-1-1.html
08服7区链接地址 http://game.8lag.cn/game/login/game/27/server/336.html 群号297138527,推荐人“3区元素祈唤”。 1)每晚19点到24点登陆或者刷新页面可随机领取50到300血钻 2)新手福利2000血钻无条件领取、每周5个传奇包无条件领取 3)氪金除官方福利外,氪金返利140%和氪金福利40%,新区还有额外的返利30%。 4)氪金即送英雄,坂本辰马*5、跟班、永泰、亨利摩根、丙申猴…… 5)传奇门抽3--7次,可指定对应档次的英雄,姆巴佩、萨拉赫、丙申猴、月老、钟南山…… 6)
5Christian Wayne, lived in Taiwan (2014-2015) 曾住在台湾(2014-2015) upxedAug 20 2017 I have a few Chinese friends and I asked them in wechat(Chinese whatsapp)yesterday which country is the strongest one in Asia? Guess what? Around half of them answered India, the rest saying Japan, but only ONE told me their country is the most powerful. 我有些中国朋友,昨天我发微信(中国的wahtsapp)问他们哪个国家是亚洲最强大的国家。你猜怎么着?有一半回答是印度,另一半是日本,仅有一个人回答是中国。 So, according to my tests, the most
2论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-469199-1-1.html China reassigns60,000 soldiers to plant trees in bid to fight pollution 中国重新分配了6万名士兵种树以对抗污染。 Area to be plantedby the end of the year is roughly the size of Ireland 年底种植面积大致相当于爱尔兰的面积。 A large regimentof the People's Liberation Army, along with some of the nation's armed policeforce, have been withdrawn from their posts to work non-military tasks, such asplanting trees China Photos/Getty Images 中国人民解放军的一个大团,连同一些国家
1论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-468664-1-1.html Zach Zhang Answered Aug 18 No. People in China always ride pandas, red-crowned cranes or elks to go out. Some people who practises a lot may be able to drive wind or swords. Few people may walk, but that is always for exercising. Children use little doggies and kitties. We ARE so old-fashioned. 没有。 中国人,一般都是骑大熊猫、丹顶鹤或者麋鹿出行。那些武艺高超的人,还可以御风或御剑飞行。很少有人走路,即使有,也是在锻炼身体。 小孩子,一般都是骑小狗或者小
0论坛地址:http://www.ltaaa.com/bbs/thread-469249-1-1.html Рога и копыта. Китайская задача для пятиклассников вызвала споры в Сети 中国五年级学生的问题在网上引起争论 МОСКВА, 1 фев — РИА Новости. В Cети активно обсуждают задачку, которую задали школьникам в китайской провинции Сычуань. 现在网络上在积极讨论中国四川省学校向学生提出的一个问题。 Ее условие таково: необходи