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    从“江沽皇”到“盘古皇”(精简微论) 李少峻 2020-05-26 各地民间传说中的“张古、姜古、江沽”是同一个人吗? 侗族民间流传的《族源款》中记载: “张古王和盘古王越过塘边对话,走过田埂商量……” “姜古置天,盘古开地,……” 随州民间传说: “江沽造水”、“雾神江沽”、“盘古杀雾神” 湖北神农架传说“江沽养天育地”、“江沽转为盘古” 汉族史诗《黑暗传》中记载:混沌十六路,最后一路是江沽。 在《黑暗传》里反复提到:“混
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    I. The King of the Wood 1. Diana and Virbius WHO does not know Turner’s picture of the Golden Bough? The scene, suffused with the golden glow of imagination in which the divine mind of Turner steeped and transfigured even the fairest natural landscape, is a dream-like vision of the little woodland lake of Nemi— “Diana’s Mirror,” as it was called by the ancients. No one who has seen that calm water, lapped in a green hollow of the Alban hills, can ever forget it. The two characteristic Italian villages which slumber on its banks, and the equally Italian palace whose terraced gardens d
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    今天读到《大雅·云汉》 旱魃为虐,如惔如焚。 毛传:魃,旱神也。 郑笺:旱既害於山川矣,其气生魃而害益甚。 看来郑玄的意思是,不是旱魃带来的干旱,而是干旱产生旱魃,类似我们说的成精了,大旱久了也会成精。 孔疏:魃字从鬼,连旱言之,故知旱神。《神异经》曰:“南方有人,长二三尺,袒身而目在顶上,走行如风,名曰魃。所见之国大旱,赤地千里。一名旱母。遇者得之,投溷中即死,旱灾消。”此言旱神,盖是鬼魅之物,不必生
    超灵梦 8-17

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