5Lifeis like a field of newly fallen snow, where you choose to walk, every step willshow. Noteverything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can becounted. AlbertEinstein
0064Today ,education is perhapsthe most important function of state and local governments. Compulsory schoolattendance laws and the great expenditures for education both demonstrate ourrecognition of the importance of education to our democratic society. It isrequired in the performance of our most basic public responsibilities, evenservice in the armed forces. It is the very foundation of good citizenship.Today it is a principal instrument in awakening the child to cultural values,in preparing him for later professional training and in helping him to adjustnormally to his environment. In these da1Human beings have this unique ability to focus onthings that aren't happening right now. That allows them to reflect on the pastand learn from it; it allows them to anticipate and plan for the future; and itallows them to imagine things that might never occur1Everypath to success begins with agreat idea. There’s only one problem: Great ideasare a dime a dozen. What really matters when it comes to becoming a success isnot having the idea but having the courage to transform that idea into reality.This usually means a risk of losing the security of a regular job and risking asteady paycheck. Only the brave ever overcome this first of the pitfalls.1Ifyou are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in littlematters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightlybecause we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we haveacted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an actbut a habit.1Scandals are proliferating, in part, because producersoperate in a cutthroat environment in which illegal additives are everywhereand cost-effective. Manufacturers calculate correctly that the odds ofprofiting from unsafe practices far exceed the odds of getting caught, expertssay. China’s explosive growth has spawned nearly half a million food producers,the authorities say, and four-fifths of them employ 10 or fewer workers, makingoversight difficult. LikeAlice after falling through the rabbit hole, consumers must guess what theirfood and drink contain.1Muchof the city of Tuscaloosa stands today in utter ruin after a devastating seriesof tornadoes rampaged through the town. Hundreds are dead, and thousands morehave lost everything. If you have wondered at the cruelty of those tornadoes,at how they seemed to single out poor people for special and devastatingattention, contain your surprise. The reason so many poor people were affectedis because there are a great many poor people in the state.2Overthe last 50 years, the most striking forms of inequality, includingdiscrimination against women in access to education, health, employment,political participation, and household resources, have been largely reversed.But dramatic gender inequities persist in South Asia, more so than in otherlow-income countries. Although gender parity in primary education has improved,dropout rates for girls are higher than for boys. The dowry tradition putspressure on girls’ families to marry them early, leading to a preference forsons – and thus to sex-specific abortions targeting female fetuses.Legis2Thereal tragedy is that racist assumptions are self-perpetuating andself-reinforcing. If young black men are treated unfairly by the justicesystem, they are indeed more likely to have arrest records — and, perhaps, toharbor resentment against police authority. They may indeed feel they havenothing to lose by exhibiting defiance. In some circumstances — and these mayinclude the streets of Ferguson — they may feel that standing up to the policeis a matter of self-respect.2Some people stayhome because of mounting child-care costs, others to take care of elderlyparents. Some economists place partial blame on automation, saying thattraditional blue-collar workers have a harder time finding manufacturing jobs.There could also be a lingering pessimism among potential workers about theirprospects should they begin applying for jobs. “As good as these hiring numbersare, they aren’t good enough,” said Bill Spriggs, chief economist at theAFL-CIO. “Employers are still able to find people at prevailing wages.”2Foryoung children, healthy development depends on the daily, consistent andresponsive interactions with a primary caregiver. Mothers who suffer fromchronic depression have trouble doing things like taking children out to thepark, reading books or even talking. The lack of these important daily interactionscan have long-term negative consequences on brain development and overallhealth. Living with a depressed mother may also shape the development of achild’s stress biology, causing increased levels of anxiety and withdrawnemotions that endure over time.1财务工作和经济发展息息相关,为决策提供支持,风险把控,支持战略发展。此事重大,需要有情怀之人方能在此领域有所为,才能更好地为人民服务,为经济发展服务。0基于使命、愿景和组织目标吸引人 赋予工作意义 赋予员工能力和权力 赋予员工自主 让大家享受专精和目的1412Thewealthy and powerful advocated social decency out of self-interest (reasonablyfair societies are more stable) but also from an old-fashioned sense of civicduty. "Noblesse oblige"sounds bad until it doesn't exist anymore. Anenlightened ruling class understands that it can get richer and its riches willbe more secure if prosperity is broadly shared, if government is investing inproductive projects that lift the whole society.0Incomeinequality has increased in this country and in practically every Europeannation in recent decades. The best measure of that change is the Gini index,named after the Italian statistician Corrado Gini, who designed it in 1912. Theindex values vary between zero, when everyone has exactly the same income, and1, when one person has all of the income and everybody else has none. Inmid-1970s America, the index was 0.316, but it had reached 0.378 by the late2000s. One of the few nations to see its Gini value fall was Greece, which wentfrom 0.413 in the 1970s to 0.307 in the late 2000s. So Greec0Why such a strongpreference for sons exists is a matter of heated debate. Some point out that itis expensive to marry off daughters, because of the practice of dowry. Althoughdowry is outlawed in India, this practice persists. Others maintain thatdaughters only look after their in-laws, instead of their birth parents, whenthey grow old.1Foryoung children, healthy development depends on the daily, consistent andresponsive interactions with a primary caregiver. Mothers who suffer fromchronic depression have trouble doing things like taking children out to thepark, reading books or even talking. The lack of these important daily interactionscan have long-term negative consequences on brain development and overallhealth. Living with a depressed mother may also shape the development of achild’s stress biology, causing increased levels of anxiety and withdrawnemotions that endure over time.1Successful leaders often seem to have sharper minds than the rest of us — isn’t that how they gotto the top in the first place? While we often assume that people becomepowerful because of their superior thinking skills, research shows that therelationship flows in the other direction as well: Power changes the way aperson thinks, making them better at focusing on relevant information,integrating disparate pieces of knowledge, and identifying hidden patterns thanpeople who are powerless. People who feel powerful also show improved“executive functioning”: They are better able to concentr0The strength of mycountry and my people through history has always been its ability to debate, beself-critical, and respect differences of opinion. There is certainly noprospect for peace here in Israel if the extremists within the presentgovernment have their way. If the Palestinians, on the other hand, are able tochange direction and reject the ways of Hamas as uncompromising haters ofIsrael's very existence, they would strengthen the hand of the many Israeliswho continue to dream and strive for peace.0What separatessuccessful states from failed ones is whether their governing institutions areinclusive or extractive. Extractive states are controlled by ruling eliteswhose objective is to extract as much wealth as they can from the rest ofsociety. Inclusive states give everyone access to economic opportunity; often,greater inclusiveness creates more prosperity, which creates an incentive forever greater inclusiveness. The history of the United States can be read as one suchvirtuous circle. But as the story of Venice shows, virtuous circles can bebroken. Elites that have prospered from inclusiv0The best untoldstory of the last decade may be the story of Africa. Real income has increased morethan 30 percent , reversing twodecades of decline. Seven of the world’s 10 fastest-growing economies are inAfrica, and GDP is expectedto rise 6 percent per year in thenext decade. HIVinfections are down nearly 40 percent in sub-Saharan Africa and malariadeaths among children have declined 50percent. Child mortality rates are falling, and life expectancyis increasing.0Our world is moreinterdependent than ever. This means that wealth, ideas, information and talentcan move freely around the globe, so can the negative forces shaping our sharedfates. The financial crisis that started in the U.S. and swept the globe wasfurther proof that--for better and for worse--we can't escape one another.There are three big challenges with our interdependent world: inequality,instability and unsustainability. The fact that half the world's people live onless than $2 a day and a billion people on less than $1 a day is stark evidenceof inequality, which is increasing i0Abundance is notabout providing everyone on this planet with a life of luxury—rather, it’sabout providing everyone with a life of possibility. To be able to live such alife requires having the basics covered: feeding the hungry, providing accessto clean water, ending indoor air pollution, and wiping out malaria. Butultimately, abundance is about creating a world of possibility: a world whereeveryone’s days are spent dreaming and doing.0Historicalknowledge matters. If you don’t know the origins of America’s unique politicalinstitutions, you can’t truly appreciate the freedoms you enjoy as a U.S.citizen. If you’re ignorant of America’s many conflicts—from the War ofIndependence to the war on terror—you underestimate the price of liberty. Andif you have no knowledge of slavery, don’t expect to understand the enduringdifficulties American society has with the issue of race.0Asrecent studies have shown, shame originally evolved as a means of promotingobedience to the rules that helped humans live and survive together; itdeterred actions that might harm the individual as well as the tribe. In ourmodern world, too, a fear of being publicly shamed encourages adherence to therules and standards that enable us to live together in a civilized way.0If I try to change someone I love because I feel I know howthat person should be, I rob him or herof a precious right, the right totake responsibility for one's own life and choices and way of being. Whenever I impose my wishor want or try to exert power over another, I rob him or her of the full realization of growthand maturation. I limit and prevent by my act of possession, no matter how kindmy intention.0亲爱的各位吧友:欢迎来到致信财务