1是英语教材里的: I will be in Chicago next week and needed a rental car. 接下来的文都是过去式,这里用will是不是不太好?
1Where is the cinema? It's_____ _____ _____ the bokkstore. _______中填方位词 lg:turn left……
0Life and death from life evolution是不是生死由命福贵在天?
109今日早读,听写单词,发现许多学生明显丢三落四,前几个单元单词几乎忘光,通过率很低. 给学生几个建议: 1.及时复习,将短暂记忆变成永久记忆 2.在学中用,
22012年下半年全国大学英语四六级考试周六开考 四六级考试首次实行“多题多卷”
3激情 商务 圣诞 英语嘉年华 时间:12月23日(周日)上午10:00 主讲:SUZIE——英语语言文学硕士;专业功底扎实,英语教学及出国考试辅导经验丰富,寓
1Mum will give him _____to eat . A.something real Chinese B.something really Chinese 哪个答案正确?为什么?
6一、基本概念 1. 分词的定义 动词的-ed分词即过去分词,是由动词的过去分词构成,一般只有一种形式。 2. 过去分词的语法作用: 过去分词一方面
1The dog died last week.=?
0大一课文《writing for myself》的总结 谢谢
0If I had my life to live over……I would have talked less and listened more. I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet
0Life is a gift we're given each and every day. Dream about tomorrow, but live for today. To live a little, you've got to love a whole lot. L
0每年农历(the lunar calendar)七月初七这一天是我国汉族的传统节日七夕节。2011年的七夕便是本周六(8月6日)了,七夕节的英语说法有很多种,比较常
0Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。 Energetic,fashion-minded person.精力
0微笑 - smile 【释义】 The corners of your mouth move outwards and slightly upwards. 嘴角向外运动并轻微向上扬起。 【例句】 Her smile makes he
01. the 2. be 3. to 4. of 5. and 6. a 7. in 8. that 9. have 10. I 11. it 12. for 13. not 14. on 15. with 16. he 17. as 18. you 19. do 20. at
0欢迎加入高中英语教师群 148806154
01. Ad (advertisement) 广告 2. Lab (laboratory) 实验室 3. Gym (gymnasium) 健身室,体育馆 4. Disco (discotheque) 迪斯科 5. Exam (examination)
01. Don't drink too much coffee in the evening,____you won't fall asleep. A.and B.or C.but D.so 2. Study hard,____you will catch up with
01. I can be myself when I am with you. 和你在一起的时候我才是真正的自己。 2. You and me together, we can make magic. 我们两个一起可以创造奇
01. Each time they asked him a question, he was like a rabbit caught in the headlights. 每次他们问他什么问题,他就像受了惊吓的兔子一般呆立在
2近年国内学英语风气甚盛 ,无论在中学,在大学,或在自修,多少莘莘学子都在用功夫,日求进益,我想据我个人的经验,谈谈这个中的关系。 四十年前
0When times become difficult (and you know they sometimes will), remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness. Remem
01、不要学英语,而要生活在英语当中! 2、把难单词、难句子制作成海报,贴在家里最显眼的地方。
1在口语中 一个人讲述自己的情况 然后问那个提问题的人 是否和自己的情形一样 用“The situation as we?”可以不可以? 还是说用“The situation as us
0月10日教师节 从早上到现在,手机收到很多祝福短信: 其中一条:师恩重如山,学生不敢忘.祝福您身体健康,万事如意,桃李满园! 高一(3)班全体同学也签名送来
0What is language for? Some people seem to think it's for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words--- the longer the words the be
0btw(by the way):这个大多数人都会用,就是“顺便再说一句”的意思。 g2g(got to go):要走了。原句是I've got to go。 ttyl(talk to you later):下
5一、基本概念 1. 分词的定义 动词的-ed分词即过去分词,是由动词的过去分词构成,一般只有一种形式。 2. 过去分词的语法作用: 过去分词一方面
01.Pull 拉 2.Push 推 3.Shut 此门不通 4.Knock 敲门
1Just do it! 勇往直前! Trust no Future, however pleasant Let the dead past bury its dead! Act, act in the living present!