Sailing from the horizon, back to our home, our island. Coming into our view beneath the morning sky. Oh, we're back From new shores we've been exploring, returning to tell our story, connected with both the land and sea. Finally, we're back to who we're meant to be. Who I'm meant to be, voyaging the sea. we're back The village is lush and thriving. Weaving new kites for flying. Building new homes and families. Our people just keep expanding. Let's pull the roof higher. I can't wait till I retire. The ancestors would be proud. What once was lost has been found. finally we're back to who we're
贴吧:海洋奇缘作者:贴吧用户_aGWeCE4 2024-12-09 16:41
这下侍主真是雷杰多了,什么时候living legend
贴吧:千年之旅作者:飓之驮拏多? 2024-12-05 14:53
《Living Legend》,Gorgeous。
贴吧:假面骑士作者:坂井夏娜 2024-04-14 02:01
CHAPTER 1 FACING MOUNT RUSHMORE I HAVE JUST LISTENED TO A LECTURE IN WHICH THE topic for discussion was the fig. Not a botanical lecture, a literary one. We got the fig in literature, the fig as metaphor, changing perceptions of the fig, the fig as emblem of pudenda and the fig leaf as modest concealer of them, 'fig' as an insult, the social construction of the fig, D. H. Lawrence on how to eat a fig in society, 'reading fig' and, I rather think, 'the fig as text'. The speaker's final pensée was the following. He recalled to us the Genesis story of Eve tempting Ada
贴吧:进化论作者:神将杨松 2024-10-24 09:58
【GIGGS特辑】A Living Legend送给小将吉格斯,生日快乐!
A Living Legend!
贴吧:曼联作者:好孩子卢北奥 2013-02-07 18:31
【A Living Legend】博尔特职业生涯超燃MV.致敬闪电
贴吧:博尔特作者:坤行健 2017-07-31 08:29
cardi is a living legend
cardi is a living legend
贴吧:说唱天后作者:卡迪比的腹肌℃ 2021-12-10 20:37
假面骑士歌查德 明天第31集播完后有惊喜
日期变了,华丽时刻! 假面骑士雷杰德主题曲(角色曲) “Living Legend” 辉夜华丽地热唱! 而且今天的歌查德(明天第31集)播出后还会有惊喜…!? 敬请期待!
贴吧:假面骑士作者:stc?? 2024-04-13 23:31
贴一下living legend歌词
贴吧:假面骑士作者:Crystal 2024-04-14 00:00
The Story Of Halloween
In the Western countries, have "Halloween" on October 31 every year,the dictionary makes an explanation for "The eve of All Saints'D ay ", Chinese translates work: "Night of All Saints' Day". All Saints' Day is the Western countries tradition festival. This one night is one n ight "being haunted " most among 1 year, therefore also calling "spiri t festival". Before more than two thousand years, European Roman Catholi c Church fixes November 1 for "Japan of land under heaven believer"(ALL HALLOWS DAY). "HALLOW" is
贴吧:约克夏作者: 2024-11-01 22:41


  • living legends
  • fall of a legend
  • become a legend
  • I am a legend
  • to be a legend
  • i am legend 电影
  • i am legend小说
  • i am legend小说中文版
  • legendary
  • legend
  • living
  • living room
  • decent
  • gently
  • introduce
  • selfish
  • secretly
  • items
  • bottle
  • tear