1今天早上听广播,听到了一首芭芭拉·史翠珊歌很好听,主播说是叫什么<慢慢的说65310;回家想下载搜不到啊,请问哪位亲知道英文是什么啊?哪里下的到啊? 万分感谢!真是有很感觉的一首歌啊!!
3芭迷们,我找一首在专集《color me barbra》中的歌,名称为《the minute waltz》,适合跳华尔兹,在很多摩登舞比赛中都出现过,可是我找不到!!!跪求! 注意:一定要barbra的演唱版本,不需要肖邦的《小狗圆舞曲》(也就是这首歌的SOLO版本) 跪求!多谢!!!
31从我开始 CIRCLE 1997 <>
0本来准备将barbra吧和芭芭拉史翠珊吧合并,但是度娘一直不肯通过, 因此如果想了解芭芭拉奶奶的动态和获取资源,可以转到芭芭拉史翠珊吧 虽然我很少在线,更新很慢,但是会尽量更新 望谅解
1找她的一首歌,叫《my lord and master》
41.Everything Must Change 2.If I Could 3.Lessons To Be Learned 4.Avinu Malkeinu 5.On Holy Ground 6.The Water Is Wide Deep River 7.Circle 8.I Believe You’ll Never Walk Alone 9.Lost Inside Of You 10.Leading With Your Heart 11.Get Happy- Happy Days Are Here Agai.. 12.I Won’t Be The One To Let Go 13.All I Know Of Love 14.Till I Loved You 15.I Have Love One Hand One Hear 16.Ding-DongThe Witch Is Dead 17.What Kind Of Fool 18.One Less Bell To Answer 19.Make No Mistake Hes Mine 20.The Music Of The Night 21.Cryin Time 22.At The Same Time 23.Second Hand Rose 24.The Main Event(Fight) 25.On
1Filmography Year Title Role Box-Office Worldwide Rentals 1968 Funny Girl Fanny Brice US$87.0 million US$30.0 million 1969 Hello, Dolly! Dolly Levi US$56.0 million US$50.0 million 1970 On a Clear Day You Can See Forever Daisy Gamble / Melinda Tentres US$26.0 million US$12.0 million 1970 The Owl and the Pussycat Doris Wilgus/Wadsworth/Wellington/Waverly US$11.0 million US$6.0 million 1972 What's Up, Doc? Judy Maxwell US$56.0 million US$37.0 million 1972 Up the Sandbox Margaret Reynolds US$15.0 million US$13.0 million 1973 The Way We Were Katie Morosky US$78.0 million US$31.0 million 1974 For Pet
6从我开始 我最喜欢FUNNY GIRL 和 YENTL
0Barbra Streisand的at the same time的歌词谁有啊 要是还能提供MP3下载地址就更好了。我只找到一个RM格式的。
1Memories like the corners of my mind Misty watercolor memories Of the way we were He Shys of the smiles we left behind Smiles we gave to one another For the way we were Oh can it be that it was all so simple then Or has time rewritten every line And if we had the chance to do it all again Tell me Would we? Could we? Memories may be beautiful and yet What's too painful to remember We simply choose to forget So it's the laughter we'll remember We'll remember Whenever we remember The Way We Were...
0求Barbra Streisand 的Alfie
2Barbra Streisand[巴巴拉] - 7张专辑下载 2 精选集 3 The Essential Babra Streisand 4 Duets 5 HIGH GROUND 6 The Movie Album 7 A LOVE LIKE OURS 专辑下载地址:http://www.yyrom.net/gs/gs5ca2bb96f796989c.htm
10大家知道芭芭拉 史翠珊的八卦吗? 说说啊,把自己知道的说出来讨论啊
0感受到令人窒息的唯美,抱紧陈陈悸动的灵魂,担心心灵从此渗出,情到深处竟语噎啊!一种入骨的伤感情怀。 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4855dcfc010092ro.html
0You don't bring me flowers You don't sing me love songs Neil You hardly talk to me anymore When you come through that door at the end of the day... Barbra I remember when you couldn't wait to love me Used to hate to leave me Now after loving me late at night Neil When it's good for you, babe And you're feeling all right Barbra When you just roll over and turn out the light... And you don't bring me flowers anymore Neil It used to be so natural Barbra It used to be... Neil To talk about forever Barbra Mmm... Neil But used-to-bes don't count anymor
1memory barbra streisand leave night , not a sound from the pavement has the moon lost her memory she is smiling alone in the lamplight the withered leaves collect at my feet and the wind begins to moan memory, all alone in the moonlight i can smile at the old days life was beautiful then i remember the time i knew what happiness was let the memory live again every street lamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning someone mutters and the street lamp sputters and soon it will be morning daylight i must wait for the sunrise i must think of a new life and i mu
0每个人的心中都有Diva,你心中的Diva是谁呢?... 加入群33191779(DIVA俱乐部) 来交流吧!!!都是喜欢欧美音乐,喜欢DIVA的朋友...
0Barbra Streisand: PUTTING IT TOGETHER www.iselong.com 艺术家:Barbra Streisand baidu 精彩专题:起个好听的英文名 2006北京迷笛音乐节现场实况视频 Album:Just For The Record Title:PUTTING IT TOGETHER Barbra: Look, I've spent a lot of time working on this Producer 1: Look, no one's gonna buy it -- no one. Producer 2: No one in Middle America, anyway. That's for sure. Producer 3: He's right! Producer 1: Sweetheart, it's just not commercial! Barbra: What is commercial? Producer 2: It's not what's selling nowadays. Producer 1: I mean -
3那天在love radio听到她的一首歌,似乎是和barry Gibb合作的,节奏满快的,很灵,有谁知道吗? 不是come tomorrow
51942年4月24日,Barbara Joan Streisand出生于纽约布鲁克林。她父亲在她15个月大的时候就去世了。她的童年毫无乐趣可言。Barbra曾说,她小时候唯一的玩具就是被她套上洋娃娃衣服的一个热水瓶。她母亲再婚后,她和继父之间经常发生冲突,有一次她的继父告诉她,她不能吃冰淇淋,因为她长的太丑了。她在其他孩子中间也不受欢迎。不过,她却是一个优秀的学生,在班上的成绩总是名列前茅。Barbra13岁的时候,灌制了两首歌曲,她曾在一家中国餐馆当过
1找歌,barbra streisand 和brian adams唱的叫什么名字,最好给个联接,谢谢
0下载地址:http://www.vvya.com/Album_list/mp3_557.htm 视听地址:http://www.vvya.com/sony_all/all_mp3_557.htm
4吧主啊,你是多少年来吧里看一下啊??????????? 你看看, 芭芭拉史翠珊的小朋友粉丝如小席什么的,她们贴子都很多 看看我们吧 寒碜啊 想个办法吧 我来帮帮你好不 你老这样可不行 虽然是,中国的史翠珊迷很少 可是也没有这么少不是 你应该想个措施 还有就是我也想和你一起当吧主 请回个贴好不好啊
4http://cdhall.net 可以查到yentl的专辑,但买的话...似乎太麻烦了哈?
1在今年的下办年 BARBRA STREISAND将推出新对唱专集 其中对唱的歌手包括 安东尼 班得拉斯 STING CELINE DION 等人
2偶在英文歌曲吧做一个帖子,介绍偶稀饭滴西乐: http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=87735752 偶也非常稀饭Barbra Streisand,可是知道滴就那么几首