1咱明显感觉智商不够用 =。= 看那文档就直接想吐,尼玛这什么语法。。。 最近一个月一直在折腾各种 source-based linux 中,一个星期前在虚拟机里装好了exherbo,但是完全没有动力继续下去了,学不会。 前天又装了 Crux linux,意外发现这个很对我的胃口,系统非常精简,并且从 FreeBSD 中抄过来的 ports 大法好。 这两个的安装流程也几乎一样,唯一区别也就是 Crux 自带了一份内核源码,但是你可以自己 download 最新的编译。
3If you compile x11-libs/qt, please enable dbus and qt3support flags. Because if you compile fcitx without these USE enabled, you compilation will fail untimately.
13具体的编译过程请看这里: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8276007/ 失败的原因是: /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.8.2/../../../../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -lfm-gtk。 我这里在/usr/lib和/usr/lib64里面,都没有libfm-gtk.so或者类似的文件,所以不知道应该和那个文件建立衔接。 superhero@superhero ~ $ ls -l /usr/lib/ | grep fm drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 4 17:53 binfmt.d drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Aug 19 13:27 libfm -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 414800 Sep 7 10:58 libfm.a -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 24630 Sep 7 10:58 libfm-extra.a -rwxr-xr-x 1
0I am a linux user for 2years, and still a newbie(although i know some stuff, but I guess enough). I am not CS major during college, but I just love it. I first time know Exherbo is Google+ Linux community nearly 1 year and half , but I didn't care that much because I could not install gentoo at that time. Then in July in this year, I gave it a try. Yeah, I was successful with the help of Keruspe's blog and my knowledge of portage and paludis. I guess as s helpful hand, I need to post here about that content: Please READ the 10 parts, for it will help you understand what you are going t
91. 自己是Linuxer (user). 2. 自己在Linux上,介乎Beginner和Expert之间 3. Exherbo Linux是自己最后弄懂的一款发行版,也是复杂程度最高的发行版,起初,自己看 到Paludis就想吐,现在,则没有那种感觉。 4. 自己是从Gentoo(ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~amd64")走过来的。 5. 自己曾形象的被称为"distro-switcher"。
0==> cave show gcc * sys-devel/gcc ::arbor 4.5.4-r2(~) {:4.5} 4.6.3-r6(~) {:4.6} 4.7.3-r2(~) {:4.7} 4.8.2-r2(~)* {:4.8} (4.9.0)R(~) {:4.9} ::installed 4.8.2-r2 {:4.8} sys-devel/gcc-4.8.2-r2:4.8::installed (system) Homepage http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/ Summary GNU Compiler Collection From repositories arbor Installed time Thu May 08 02:21:12 CST 2014 Installed using paludis-1.4.2 Licences GPL-2
2罒ω罒 完全没有重装的欲望
0unsuitable candidates: bla bla did not meet 如何解读