117发现大家最近又不注意发帖格式了,特此建楼,以后格式错误被删帖的,在这里公示14185无意间看了下今天的签到人数,真是逆天了,HM吧好久没有这么多人签到了,特发此贴以记之 大家到来冒个泡,活跃下气氛 PS:吧主无删帖啊0迪士尼电视剧吧是一个新建的贴吧,欢迎大家能来这里交流迪士尼频道出的一些电视剧或者电影,提高人气。感兴趣的吧友请点击“喜欢”多多支持!谢谢!!~ 贴吧传送门:http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%B5%CF%CA%BF%C4%E1%B5%E7%CA%D3%BE%E7402025147一直想把它弄成纯音乐来着,很舒服啊这首歌的感觉。于是终于把它弄出来了 大家一起听听吧,有mp3格式的,喜欢的亲可以留个邮箱给你们1532百度美剧吧吧刊《GOTCHA》第二期9月来袭,想关注你所爱的美剧资讯?想了解哪些热门美剧?想和7万+美剧迷们一起讨论吐槽?美剧吧吧刊《GOTCHA》欢迎你的阅览! 贴吧直通车:http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%C3%C0%BE%E7 吧刊直通车:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1832456475209由于本帖长期顶置,所以禁水。 违者一律删帖处理。0因为之前的相册太乱了 现在我正在整理当中 所以暂时看不到相册 等整理完了就恢复正常了 请大家不要急 谢谢21虽然是以前发过或看过的。 不过这次发的是高清的。 所以跟之前的还是不一样。 二楼发图。 ││ ││ │└╮ 顶顶顶顶顶 ╭┴┴———————┴┴╮~└—╯ 顶顶顶顶顶 │ │ ╭—————╮ │ │ │ Fung │ │ ● ● │ ╭╮ │ Forever │ │○ ╰┬┬┬╯ ○│O╰╯ ╰—————╯ │ ╰—╯ │15虽然是以前发过或看过的。 不过这次发的是高清的。 所以跟之前的还是不一样。 二楼发图。 ││ ││ │└╮ 顶顶顶顶顶 ╭┴┴———————┴┴╮~└—╯ 顶顶顶顶顶 │ │ ╭—————╮ │ │ │ Fung │ │ ● ● │ ╭╮ │ Forever │ │○ ╰┬┬┬╯ ○│O╰╯ ╰—————╯ │ ╰—╯ │15虽然是以前发过或看过的。 不过这次发的是高清的。 所以跟之前的还是不一样。 二楼发图。 ││ ││ │└╮ 顶顶顶顶顶 ╭┴┴———————┴┴╮~└—╯ 顶顶顶顶顶 │ │ ╭—————╮ │ │ │ Fung │ │ ● ● │ ╭╮ │ Forever │ │○ ╰┬┬┬╯ ○│O╰╯ ╰—————╯ │ ╰—╯ │13这是中英双字幕的 这样开个楼贴视频的话比较方便大家随时温习哦 我会一集一集的上传好了就贴到这里来 所以尽量不要水6The Best Of Both Worlds 来电短信铃声 转自麦莉吧9If We Were A Movie 来电短信铃声 转自麦莉吧9Nobody's Perfect 来电短信铃声6Who Said 来电短信铃声 转自麦莉吧27Emily Osment and Moises Arias do a little dance on the beach in this new still from Hannah Montana. In the upcoming episode, “Knock Knock Knockin’ On Jackson’s Head,” Rico’s (Arias) competitive cousin Angus is in town from Australia so Rico asks Lilly (Osment) to pretend to be his girlfriend in exchange for math lessons. Lilly reluctantly agrees but discovers that Angus’s so-called girlfriend also has an agenda. Meanwhile, Jackson (Jason Earles) suffers a temporary memory loss and Miley dupes him into thinking he worships her.2319Jason Earles gets his nose pinched by actress Vicki Lawrence in this new still from Hannah Montana. In the upcoming episode “You Give Lunch A Bad Name,” Mamaw (Lawrence) keeps an eye out when Robby (Billy Ray Cyrus) heads off to his high school reunion. Things get worse when Mamaw steps in for the school cafeteria lady and runs the place with an iron fist, soon alienating the entire student body. Anxious to get rid of Mamaw but not wanting to hurt her feelings, Miley (Miley Cyrus) and Jackson (Earles) hatch a plan that includes a visit from a fake “health inspector” — Jackson.1http://www.rayfile.com/files/d6e9f321-0fe1-11de-9c3b-0014221b798a/32Miley Cyrus Dances with Carrie Ann Inaba Miley Cyrus and and new guest star, Dancing With The Stars judge Carrie Ann Inaba break it down in these new stills from Hannah Montana. In the upcoming episode, “Papa’s Got a Brand New Friend,” Hannah (Cyrus) and her dancers are desperate to find a replacement for their usual choreographer, Tina (Inaba), after she injures herself. Hannah and Robby (Billy Ray Cyrus) finally decide to hire the abrasive yet qualified Shawn Nahnah (Philip Anthony Rodriguez). But when the sessions begin, Hannah wants to fire him only to discover that he’s bec26Miley Cyrus is a Carrot Top Miley Cyrus not only munches on a carrot — she is one! The 16-year-old starlet is dressed from head, literally, to toe in a carrot suit in this new still from Hannah Montana. In the episode title, “Welcome to the Bungle,” Hannah Montana (Cyrus) guests on the Mack and Mickey show and her casual comment about disliking carrots causes her fans to stop eating them. So Hannah goes back on the show to make amends, but again, lets it slip that she prefers watching movies over reading books. “Welcome to the Bungle” airs on Sunday, March 1 @ 7:30PM ET92麦莉 (Miley Cyrus) 依然是那么红得发紫也红得发烫,虽然不管是媒体还是群众对她的争议都很大,她还是肆无忌惮地在舞台的灯光和媒体的相机下笑得那么灿烂!83的贴放在这里好了,囧