27[大臣的妻子提醒他,明天是他们的结婚纪念日,而大臣已经计划要同时去两个公务地点。] Jim Hacker: [on the phone] Bernard? Yes, it's me. Look, I'
4大概介绍了主要内容和主要演员,又念了一段big speech【第一集关于几个秘书那段】,结果底下同学看我的表情就是=皿=
7Sir Humphrey: Minister, Britain has had the same foreign policy objective for at least the last five hundred years: to create a disunited Eu
7Humphrey吧吧规总则 1、禁止发布任何违法言论和违反互联网有关管理规定的内容。禁止任何不利于民族团结的内容禁止任何攻击汉族及汉族文化的内容。禁止
12油炸叔评论镇楼~~~ We love the idea of the coherence and articulacy of Sir Humphrey ... It’s one of the things you look forward to in an epi
0[Frank Weisel在朗读一篇快件文章,关于实际上税务局比皇家海军的雇员还多。] Frank Weisel: "Perhaps the government thinks that a tax is the bes