240614首先,推荐一个英国民谣独立歌手Billie Marten,她声音简直是太仙了,干净而又温暖,强推她的Bird和Cursive,简直是另一个Shiver!!31663019邂逅了一首佳曲,认识了一位歌手。3喜欢她好久了,但并不常玩贴吧平常只是看也并不发帖,第一次发帖~ 看到官网有一专的签名黑胶诶,虽然黑胶并不是很想收但重点在亲签!!! 之前不是有人想收亲签吗扎住机会哦!!!76很喜欢这首歌啊 可是mv不太懂- -36LUCY ROSE - Bikes lyrics I fall asleep, in front of the T.V So I forget what I'm thinking. And oh don't you wanna know, is it any easier. Oh don't you wanna know, is it fun to close your eyes? We're going round and round and up and and down, turning something inside out We're driving from the backseat, holding on to tightly We're going round and round and up and and down, turning something inside out We're driving from the backseat, holding on too tightly. The colours they merges they scream and shout I watch my mind try and work things out, I think it's clear, But three days later it's wrong2157睡不着了....送资源好了3话说多少级发帖才没验证码? ——来自 诺基亚 Lumia 9205——来自 诺基亚 Lumia 9206尤其是一首歌 叫啥忘记了2222611117"人们总以为拿着木吉他的女孩儿全都一个样,无外乎唱些自己的小情小调,但我可不属于此列,因为我的歌里有许多出彩的编排,它们远非简简单单的情歌可以概括。"好吧,即便Lucy Rose把话说得信誓旦旦,可乍看之下,她还真是和一般的民谣歌手别无二致......后来,我们隐约发现,Rose的出格恰巧蕴藏在她的平凡与安静中——因落后于同辈而显得出类拔萃,这是不是挺酷的?85女朋友特别喜欢Lucy,想买一张专辑送她,吧u知道各位的专辑都是在哪里买的呀,最好是签名版的,还有就是我在美亚上搜work it out显示是6月9号就可以发