0经核实吧主07_04 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 seanhayes吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
30sean在里面好可爱,而且还会是常规演员哦20h删t掉t我p://m.a删cg.tv/vid掉eo/av14695我06.html1另外,求电影里的所有配乐和插曲!特别喜欢那些插曲还是电影的整体风格!一种气质和风格无需强调,自然流露,浑然天成5NBC在月初公布了Sean Hayes新剧的消息,这部Sean Hayes主演的喜剧说的是一对同志伴侣抚养一个12岁儿子的故事。日前《火线救援》(Rescue Me)创作人Peter Tolan加入剧集担任编剧和执行制片,Michael Wimer也是执行制片之一。 Sean Hayes曾经凭借《威尔与格蕾丝》(Will & Grace)中Jack一角六次提名艾美,其中2000年获奖。NBC这部新的喜剧是Sean Hayes在《威尔与格蕾丝》结束之后第一次担任常规角色,同时他还是NBC秋季新剧《格林》(Grimm)以及TV land的《热力克利夫6Happy birthday Jack! 上个月刚重新回顾了整遍wag,借着6月26日这个特殊的日子,发点感想吧。 8季,8年,说长不长,说短不短。《Will & Grace》于1998年在美国NBC电视台播出,2006年完结,共播出8季194集,完结至今已是又过了8个年头了。8年wag忠实的陪伴,8年wag无时的想念。 wag的经典无需多言,对于Jackie的喜爱更不胜言表。 其实个人对于wag的结局是不太满意的,既然各自开始了新的生活,为什么就不能经常像朋友一样的聚聚了呢。也许国内和国外的思维不6sean这么可爱的人居然专属吧没什么人,好歹肖恩演过电影w&g等还是很有名的东西啊。 可是为何大家却不关注肖恩。。。3我老婆大人写的。。哇哈哈。。觉得还是放到sean吧里比较好 2l正文 3l原帖地址01415Sean Hayes: I Am Who I Am1发现姐妹吧(喂),貌似是新剧?1不知道Jacky会不会有新作了啊 哎1貌似他真的是个同志,蔚蓝蔚蓝的眼睛太有杀伤力了2不管怎样,依然支持sean hayes!!1但是小jack也是有烦恼的。。1谁不爱幽默的男人?3有爱的童鞋快来冒泡吧42011 Top 50 Gay After Elton评选 Sean上榜了~~~ 第39!! 哈哈1不见贴吧发育呢,跟你一样不良了?10seanhayes2http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=9553406301Promises, Promises Star Sean Hayes to Host 2010 Tony Awards0Sean Hayes, who will star opposite Kristin Chenoweth in the upcoming revival of Promises, Promises, set the record straight about his sexual orientation in a recent interview in The Advocate. The actor, best known for playing the flamboyant Jack McFarland on TV’s Will and Grace, had reportedly been cagey with the press in the past about being gay. "I am who I am," he told the magazine. "I was never in, as they say. Never." As for why it took him so long to publicly acknowledge his sexual orientation, Hayes responded, "Nobody owes anything to anybody. You are your authentic self to wh6海耶斯也是格莱美提过名滴~~1超爱Sean~0Professional Newsweek example Sean Hayes, currently unconvincingly playing hetero in Broadway's Promises, Promises, will emcee for-profit theater's biggest night on June 13th. He's expected to do gay things, in a fairly to extremely gay fashion. Gay. Sean Hayes is gay.0I am baking holiday cookie for everyone. It's my excuse to visit all my lovely ladies, and men! I am soo happy that the gang seems to be all present, well except Brad, and a few others. All it took was Nic and Heather yelling to help things. I love christmas time, Bringing people together. That and my cookes. I'm excited! I am going to Leo's on Mon for a party. It's bound to be great. I hope I see plenty of you guys there. This Guy throws the greatest parties... besides Heather's and mine. But really you all should come with me. Speaking of parties I think Heather, Nic, and I should throw a Ne