攀登不可能的山峰(4) CHAPTER 4 GETTING OFF THE GROUND To FLY HAS FOR SO LONG BEEN A HOPELESS DREAM OF humanity and, when we achieve it, we do so with such difficulty that it is easy to exaggerate how hard ic Flying is second nature to the majority of animal species. To modify an aphorism of my colleague Robert May, to a first approximation all animal species fly. This is mostly because, as he actually said, to a first approximation all species are insects. But even if we take just warm-blooded vertebrates it is still correct to say that more than half the species fly: there are twice as many bird species as mammal
神将杨松 2024-10-28 08:05 有大手子能计算一下这一刻莉莉丝所爆发了多大的力量吗? 前文提示:丑角剧团在给死神军表演一则寓言故事的话剧,表演快到高潮的时候其中一个丑角一副要跳出来准备刺杀伊芙琳,而莉莉丝则准备出手拦截(这时候给伊芙琳当保镖),结果从身旁突然出现了一位丑角(后面剧情表明这是一位大丑角)直刺莉莉丝的要害,被莉莉丝瞬间拦下,然后两者开始了刀舞战,先开始丑角还能攻击到莉莉丝,等莉莉丝攻速提上来后就只能被动的防御无法进攻,然后就接这段了: He managed to carve himself a microsecond of space, t
月照无变 2024-07-30 08:56 回复:神圣泰拉和超级地球干一仗谁会赢 而且人类帝国战舰虽然超光速航行有很多槽点但物理宇宙下的亚光速航行快的很,冻肉船的炮弹恐怕都追不上
2)帝国的舰船能够在片刻之间(in moments)加速到25%光速(one-quarter lightspeed)。
原文:"Fusion motors unleashed the tiny suns at their cores and pushed the craft away, climbing the acceleration curve in a glitter of void shields and displaced energy. In moments, the vessel was rising towards one
-quarter lightspeed." Pg.725 Nemesis
原文:"The Campanile accelerates. It lights its main realspace drives, delivering main extending thrust in a position where it should be almost coasting at correction burst only. It raises its void shielding to make itself as unstoppable as possible. It fires itself like a bullet at the planet Calth.
The screams of its crew can still be heard, but no one is listening.
Main extending thrust is a drive condition used for principal acceleration, the maximum output that takes a starship to the brink of realspace velocity as it makes the translation to the empyrean. It is a condition that is used as a starship moves away from a planet towards the nearest viable Mandeville Point, a distance that is roughly half the radius of an average star system.
There is no such long run-up here. The Campanile is already inside the orbit of Calth’s satellite. There is not enough range for it to reach anything like maximum output or velocity. Even so, it is travelling at something close to the order of forty per cent of the realspace limit as it reaches the edge of the atmosphere. It is travelling too fast for anything physical, such as an eye or a pict-corder or a visual monitor, to see it. It is only visible to scanning systems and sensors, to detectors and auspex. They shriek at its sudden, savage, shockwave approach."
- Know no Fear
原文:The fleet tender Campanile is mob-boarded and taken off the Tarmus Apogee approximately one hundred and thirty-six hours [sidereal] before count start as a preliminary to the Calth assault.
- Know No Fear
原文:Precise details of the circumstances surrounding the loss of the Campanile are lost and alone in such darkness, on a deceleration arc past the outer moons, one small ship, overweight and wheezing, over three and a half thousand souls.
- Know No Fear
原文:“For the second time in less than an hour, space tore open. The reality fissure leapt and crackled like a luminous cephalopod, lashing tendrils of warp energy into real space that twisted out, fizzled and faded. Non-baryonic light flared brilliantly through the tear, backlighting the arriving ships. Monumental silhouettes, they were shot forward into real space. Four ships, one of them very large. And they were moving. Point seven five light at least, cutting straight towards Herodor. They did not slow down. They were moving at cruise speed. Attack Speed.”
- The Saint: A Gaunt's Ghosts Omnibus
原文:Several light minutes inside the orbit of Eri, the Phalanx exploded from a warp gate with violent concussion, sending sheets of exotic lightning radiating out and away into the void. Delicate sensory devices dotting the surface of the tenth planet registered the new arrival and immediately communicated reports to relay stations on Pluto and Uranus, where in turn they would be sent onward by astropath to Terra and her dominions. The return of the Imperial Fists to humanitys cradle was long overdue. By rights there should have been celebrations and great ceremony on many of the outer colonies of the solar system to mark it. Instead, the Phalanx came in with speed and ruthless purpose, not in a stately cruise around the solar systems outlying worlds.
The mammoth craft did not fly the pennants and banners associated with the triumphant arrival of a heroic vessel. Instead, the colour on her masts and the laser lamps about the Phalanx’s circumfrence were lit for urgency. Patrol ships made way, no captain daring to challenge the Master of the Imperial Fists for his haste. Drives flaring like captured stars, the fortress-vessel passed in through the ragged edge of the Oort Cloud at three-quarters the speed of light, down into the place of the ecliptic, crossing the orbit of Neptune in a flicker of dazzling radiation.
- Flight of the Eisenstein, p.278
原文:"‘Contact echo, sir,’ the tracking officer replied. ‘An object just appeared on the scopes, inbound to 42 Hydra Tertius.’
‘Appeared?’ Van Aunger repeated
‘I don’t understand it, sir,’ the tracking officer replied, adjusting his control panels with fast, expert hands. ‘There are no energetic or magnetic profiles that would suggest a real space translation. The object just appeared. I speculate that it was previously cloaked.’ ‘Track it and project, full assessment,’ Van Aunger ordered.
‘Yes, sir,’ replied the officer.
‘General quarters!’ Van Aunger called out. ‘Shields and batteries to stand by!’
A klaxon started to sound. The bridge staff, over a hundred officers, bustled to their stations, their voices overlapping as they exchanged data and instructions.
‘Trajectory projection!’ the tracking officer announced.
‘Main display,’ Van Aunger replied
The primary hololithic display lit up with a complex graphic diagram of the planet, the position of the fleet components, and the sweeping vector of the object.
‘That will take it directly to the venue zone,’ Van Aunger murmured. ‘Have you identified vessel type or designation?
‘Negative, sir,’ the tracking officer replied. ‘It doesn’t even read like a vessel. It’s inert on all scans. It’s… oh Terra…’
‘I’m marking it in excess of point eight superluminal, and it’s big, sir. It’s at least as big as we are.’"
- Legion, Pg 522
原文:"Plasma drives are used to move through star systems at sub-light speeds. They burn with the fierce energy of a star, converting their fuel into a super-heated gas plasma to create the immense thrust needed to propel these gargantuan craft through space."
- White Dwarf Magazine #140
原文:Almost every line vessel in service to the Lord of Terra was constructed of congruent elements: the dagger prow, the massive block of sub-light and warp drives, and forged between them amidships of crenellations and complex sheaves of steel.
- Flight of the Eisenstein
原文:Warp technology permitted travel at tremendous - albeit relativistic - inherently incalculable speeds, but intra-system transit remained as arduous as it must have been in the pre-expansionist epoch. At their current relative positions, Thennos was five light hours from Medusa. From the vibrations in the decking, Stronos could tell that the Clan Vurgaan system frigate, the Onslaught, was still accelerating towards its maximum velocity, about ninety-five per cent of light speed. One day there, a few hours to convince the Iron Council of the logic of rescinding their interdiction orders, and then one day back. Stronos would be back with his clave before the order to push out passed through the interlink manifold.
- Eye of Medusa
原文:The light delay between Fabris Callivant and the heliopause was a little under seventeen hours.
Given the volume of alien shipping translating in-system, it was almost certain that the Hospitallers were already in retreat, the aliens securing their bridgehead and despatching spoiling raids of their own
How long before the first salvos were fired over Fabris Callivant?
A day? Two?
Burning drive plasma at several thousand degrees beyond tolerance had brought the Adeptus Astartes flagships to Fabris Callivant in less than twenty hours.
- The Voice of Mars
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武汉酒吧新店? 2021-07-27 03:44 回复:常规阿斯塔特vs爱国者 普通没名字的罐头带齐装备攻击面超屋防御上
The krak missile struck the Space Marine full in the chest, knocking him back a step, but the anti-tank round could not penetrate the adamantine breastplate of the ancient Terminator suit.
- Space Wolfs: The Second Omnibus
It is the zenith of armoured protection, impenetrable to anything less than a direct hit from a lascannon. Indeed, a Terminator is so well protected that even such a dolorous strike has no certainty of causing him harm
.- Codex: Grey Knight, 5th Edition
The energy field can deflect almost any attack, even shots from mighty lascannons and close combat strikes from power weapons.
- Codex: Grey Knight, 5th Edition

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