16其实是两天的图 由于图片不多所以就放在一起啦 Ben Affleck went to Brentwood Country Mart with Seraphina and Samuel bright and early on Wednesday morning, and we don't know who's cuter -- Ben or his darling little boy! And at first we thought Sam looked more like his mom, but after seeing these pics of the two so close together, the tiny tot totes has his dad's almond-shaped eyes! Wife Jennifer Garner is busy promoting Draft Day, so it looks like the Gone Girl star is on daddy duty for the next few days. And speaking of that, when are we going to get our first peek at Ben as
7Jennifer Garner treats her 5-year-old daughter Seraphina to ice cream as they run errands in Brentwood on Saturday (June 21). The mom-of-three hosted the 5th Annual Thirst Gala at the Beverly Hilton Hotel last night (June 24).
4Argo star Ben Affleck took his daughter Seraphina, nearly 4, to breakfast at the Brentwood Country Mart on Monday (December 10). The Oscar-winner returned to the California hotspot the following morning with his daughter and mother Chris. We’re loving Sera’s new specs! Meanwhile big sister Violet, 7, was at school while the trio enjoyed some family time. Ben’s wife Jennifer Garner is currently in New Orleans shooting her new flick, Dallas Buyers Club. The hands-on mom brought their 9-month-old son Samuel while on location. Last week, Seraphina debuted her new glasses alongside her famous
6Hunky dad Ben Affleck gives his 5-year-old daughter Seraphina a lift on his shoulders back to the car after some shopping together in Beverly Hills on Saturday (June 14). The dad-of-three is currently filming Batman v Superman – and has been hitting the gym hard. If true, this is the second time this year that the actor was asked to leave a casino for counting cards — which is not illegal, but is highly frowned upon in the industry
9On Friday Ben Affleck and his youngest daughter Seraphina stopped by Brentwood Country Mart, and if we had to guess, we'd say these two were planning something special for Jennifer Garner this Sunday!
22希望大家帮忙申诉一下,让他们还回来 具体方法见兔兔的微博 http://weibo.com/violetaffleckbar
32吧主违规条例 严禁吧主或吧务团队对官方活动(含贴吧推广)采取扰乱、删除回复等恶意行为,情节严重者将予以撤销职务的处罚。 严禁吧主滥用管理权限,无故封锁正常ID,删除网友正常发言 严禁吧主在未经得贴吧用户同意情况下,擅自将对方设置为本贴吧的小吧主或图片小编 现在如果还在帮忙投诉的吧友们 1.吧主无故大量删帖 删会员 删视频 删图片 2.删除正常发言 3.未经得吧友同意情况下擅自设吧主小编等(vi吧高等级的人请速速用这条去投诉
22为了刷下去就前缀 Jennifer Garner and baby Seraphina with Violet at the Farmers Market. Jennifer and Seraphina are wearing matching stripes.