3Hello.Fellows. This is Singta. Are you enjoying "Sid Shock"? We will continue to improve this game and develop it into a better one. The opinions of the users are very helpful. Today.We are going to give you new news. 1."Sid Shock" has been released in both the Apple App Store and the Goolge Store. 2.And. It's been released in most countries. We are going to give you login rewards as an opening event. You will be able to get your login rewards from your mailbox by connecting for 24 hours of each day. Please enjoy "Sid Shock". Be sure to get your login rewards.
2系统将进行一次维护 时间: 5/24 02:00 ~ 02:30(UTC) 内容: ■ 增加玩家等级2-15级的成就 - 已经达到改等级的玩家也会获得成就奖励 - 新增奖励为英雄碎片和召唤券
2应gm要求,贴一个没人会看的公告 *维护时间2019.07.10 05:00 ~ 07:00 (UTC) 更新内容 ■ 时装系统 ■ 平衡改进 ■ 改进加载战斗时出现的闪退及延迟 ■ PVP系统改进 ■ 英雄管理改进 ■ 探索改进 ■ 商店改进 ■ 其他 - 可调节音量
1经核实吧主Notre_Chec 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 sidshock吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0继续发一个不会有人看的更新预告 大家好~!!! "Sid Shock"玩得还愉快吧? "Sid Shock"将迎来一次更新 下面是更新简介 ■ 更新列表 1. 角色召唤 - 添加新的召唤卡池,直接召唤完整的英雄 2. 新时装 - 为瓦尔基里添加新时装: "为露西德而生" - 物理暴击率 +50%, 物理暴击伤害 +100%(PVP/决斗除外) 3. 世界首领奖励更变 - 总伤害奖励 >> 钻石 - 最高分奖励 >> 荣誉分 - 奖励分级将进行细分(11~30, 31~60, 61~100) 4. PvP复仇系统 - 可以对PvP的敌人进行
2Hello. Fellows. This is Singta. The release date of "Sid Shock" has been set for April 24.(US and Europe: google play store) Please pay attention and love~ "Sid Shock" is a story about the future of SID. A long time after Dark lussid's opening, there was a civil war between Sidian and Dark Sidian in Sid. Although Moriarty and her friends guarded Time Space Engine, Sid was badly hurt. Since then, the creator of Dark Lussid has begun sending countless Irregurlars through the more open Time Space Rift. His purpose is to destroy Time Space Engine. Moriarty and her friends b