枪迷朋友们,喜欢关注阿森纳信息的可以关注我和我的同名公号,每天都会更新阿森纳资讯。 评论区期待与您的互动,您的支持就是我更新的动力,谢谢大家。 机翻,附带了英文原文。 0.如果您有枪迷群,欢迎邀我进群,我会每天搬运信息,感谢。 阿森纳黑龙江球迷会和阿森纳海南球迷会以及枪迷聊天群邀请您的加入: 绿色应用添加:Arsenalwenger22 1.多家报道:随着协议即将达成,杰克·威尔希尔即将成为诺维奇城新任主教练。 双方谈判已于今日开
贴吧:阿森纳作者:海布里的阿尔塞纳 2024-10-18 07:24
喜欢玩亚索的朋友都应该知道他一句经典的台词:且随疾风前行,身后亦需留心(一许流星) 。那么问题来了,到底是一许流星,还是亦需留心? 为此我专门查了下美服亚索背景台词的资料。真实性不得而知。 出场台词 Upon Selection死亡如风,常伴吾身。"Death is like the wind; always by my side."行动台词 Action移动 Movement长路漫漫,惟剑相伴。 "A sword's poor company for a long road."吾之荣耀,离别已久。 "My honor left a long time ago."宁日安在,无人能云
贴吧:董小飒作者:Miss御龙 2014-11-15 09:25
回复:论The Beatles为什么是典型的直男岁月静好音乐
他听完披头士了吗?镇楼里的nowhere man、think for yourself、the word就已经是脱离男女情爱,开始探讨人生、自我、大爱这种话题了
贴吧:疾地大乱斗作者:小柯捏 2025-01-11 23:26
枪迷朋友们,喜欢关注阿森纳信息的可以关注我,每天都会更新阿森纳资讯。 评论区期待与您的互动,您的支持就是我更新的动力,谢谢大家。 机翻,附带了英文原文。 0.如果您有枪迷群,欢迎邀我进群,我会每天搬运信息,感谢。 阿森纳黑龙江球迷会和阿森纳海南球迷会以及枪迷聊天群邀请您的加入: 绿色应用添加:Arsenalwenger22 1.在今早的欧洲杯比赛中,凭借萨卡在第80分钟扳平比分的进球(赖斯助攻),英格兰1-1战平瑞士,最终点球大战5-3瑞士
贴吧:阿森纳作者:海布里的阿尔塞纳 2024-07-07 08:22
【文】今天没去成的人心里都恨难受 我也是 送给你们十句话 看看吧
1 The moment you think about giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long. 每当你想放弃的时候,想一想是什么支撑着你一路坚持。 いつ
贴吧:柏木由纪作者:月魔·MOON 2012-01-11 21:35
【原创】<<The last presentation>> by Link Shao (林可少)
Manuscript of the story <<The last presentation>> by Link Shao (林可少) Thestory was written by Link Shao, and all the figures are powered by AI. The preface: Lord William Wood, the founder of Maple peak county, an old man, his journey isabout to end. But his stories will continue. Heabandoned his family about fifty years ago, locked himself in his chamber, and never came out again. No one saw him even his family, except his brokers and first maid. No one knows why, maybe he was mad, maybe he was already dead, or maybe he wasworshiping the devil, or studying dark magic. Now all
贴吧:英语作者:林可少 2025-01-04 12:41
【THE KING】迈迈的语录,喜欢的可以收入囊中
I just can't conceive of how a person could hate another because of skin color. I love every race on the planet earth. -Michael Jackson 一個人怎麼會因為膚色的不同而去憎恨另一個人,這是很不可思議的,我愛地球上所有種族的人。 -麥可傑克森 Success, fame and fortune–they are all illusions. All there is real is the friendship that two people can share. - Michael Jackson 成功、名利和財富—這些都是幻覺,真正真實的是我們所能共同分享的友誼。 — 麥可傑克森 Everyone's taking control of me seems that the world's got a
贴吧:mj作者:绝色迈 2018-05-25 18:48
某些是借鉴的 有些是个人理解 这首歌太感人了 中间我有画(?)的地方求更正 部分歌词没法拿原话去写明白 大致意思差不多吧 希望弄出个最完整的歌词
贴吧:eminem作者:黑猫橘子? 2013-12-11 18:18
//学习+杂向日常// 我最酷
What do you wanna be when you grow up? 你長大後想成為什麼? What are your dreams? 你的夢想是什麼? Who are your role models? 誰是你的榜樣? Why did you choose this path? 你為什麼選擇這條道路? Is this what you like to do? 這是你喜歡做的嗎? Is this what you want to do? 這是你想做的嗎? What motivates you? 什麼給你動力? Do you see yourself doing this for the rest of your life? 你能看見自己餘生都做這樣的事情嗎? Is this what makes you happy? 這讓你感到快樂嗎? Are you even happy? 你真的快樂嗎? For a wh
贴吧:文具作者:7lhgg- 2016-06-23 00:18
Don’t put your happiness in the hands of someone else. If you really want to be happy, you have to find this happiness within yourself. 不
贴吧:御宅动漫族作者:电音果冻 2012-10-01 16:20


  • say for yourself
  • See for yourself
  • Liveforyourself
  • try it yourself
  • think yourself
  • keep to yourself
  • see by yourself
  • prepare yourself
  • foryourself是什么意思
  • see什么yourself
  • for yourself
  • Give yourself
  • thank you for
  • yourself的意思
  • for yours
  • thinkout
  • think over
  • think about
  • for your
  • thinker