1联盟公爵是nirvana中新类型的圣骑士,他不仅自己信仰圣光,治疗伤员,还会让他人信仰圣光变得强大。而大领主提里奥·弗丁是联盟公爵的代表人物。 作为一位敏捷性英雄普通输出当然不可少,仅亚于恶魔猎手,但是缺少了疾风步,闪避,幻影潜行这类敏捷英雄的保命神技显得脆弱很多。 【光明圣印】 光明圣印能让自己或他人短暂得到圣光的力量从而强化攻击力,攻击也会对亡灵和召唤物造成额外的伤害(注:亡灵是不能信仰圣光的,对自己的亡灵
19This is a mod of Warcraft3. To play this mod, you need to put all files(not folder) of Nirvana into the root directory of your war3 and run Nirvana.exe. The mod will not modify anything of your war3, which means you can still play the original war3 by running War3.exe. There is a new race called NAGA in this mod. Also, there are a lot of new neutral heroes can be chose. Every race is added a new hero. Lots of war3's models(units, structures, trees, etc) are replaced with new models and skins. Some of you may notice that there is an another version of Nirvana released on moddb by fucckz(we
3属性:初始值(+ 成长值 / 每级) || 3级属性 || 5级属性 || 10级属性(具体计算方式) (注:小数点实际不会保留,但会计入下一级的计算,除了回复,但回复本身也是类似,回复量不保留小数点,但小数点会计入下一次回复) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HP:525 || 600 || 715 || 950(100+25x力量) HP回复:每秒1.35 || 1.50 || 1.70 || 2.20(0.5+0.05x力量) MP:285 || 375 || 465 || 690(15x智力) MP回复:每秒0.96 || 1.26 || 1.56 || 2.31(0.01+