让鼻子发痒的是春天 Spring tickles your nose. 风从袖中过的是夏天 Summer whooshes through your sleeves. 天空凛然耸立的是秋天 The sky stands high in the fall. 等到发觉的时候 冬天已经过去大半 By the time we realize, most of the winter has passed.
我想了想 然后认真地告诉他 “不行 我太喜欢你了 不能和你做朋友 之前当我是朋友的人 我把他们都弄丢了 我不想 有一天把你也弄丢” I thought about it, and told him honestly , "No , I like you too much to be your friend . There have been so many friends that I've lost before , and I don't want to lose you either .”