I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love. -我很好,但不是天使,我有时候做坏事,但也不是恶魔。我只是个小女孩,是个在这个大千世界里寻找爱情的女孩。
Soul mate: two little words, one big concept. A belief that someone, somewhere, is holding the key to your heart. -灵魂伴侣:一个词,包含了很深的意思,一种信念 - 在什么地方那个,有个人,握着你的心的钥匙。
We were given: Two hands to hold, Two legs to walk, Two eyes to see, Two ears to listen.. But why only one heart? Because the other one was given to someone else for us to find. -上帝给我们两只手,两条腿,两个眼睛,两只耳朵,可为什么只有一颗心?因为他要我们去找谁带着配对的另一颗。