I am still a defensive player,that's all about my role.Right now, I might be a vet and a leader this team. 2011-03-30 11:28来自网易微博 我仍旧是防守型球员,这就是我的角色全部。现在,我或许是这支球队的老兵球员,也是领袖。
I hope I can get that chance(get voted into all-defensive team), I hope the coached can see my performance. 2011-03-30 11:28来自网易微博 我希望自己能够得到(入选最佳防守阵容)的机会,我希望其他球队的教练能看到我的表现。
Tim Duncun isn't what he used to be,but still good. He is a hall of famer,he knows how to playe the game.He is still a tough cover. 2011-04-03 13:12 来自网易微博 “邓肯现在不像以前了,但仍旧很好。他是名人堂球员,他知道如何打比赛,对于我来说,他仍旧很难防守。”
It's always good to have Yao all around,he's a great teamate and a great guy.It's good,he's always cracking jokes. 2011-04-08 12:29 有姚明和我们在一起总是一件好事情,他是很好的人,很好的队友。看到他很好,他总是在那里开玩笑。”姚明总是用他的乐观去鼓舞和感染别人,能看到姚明能够健康地上场比赛,也是很多中国球迷的心愿吧。
大蝈蝈 NBA :提问@火箭队海耶斯 Before last three games,you know your team failed to go to playoffs.How pitiful is that? That hurts, I mean,we wish we could've been.But,we're playing well,doing great.Now, all we can do is to win the rest of the games. 2011-04-13 10:32 (三场比赛之前,你知道火箭已经无缘季后赛,你是什么感觉?)那难受了,我的意思是,我们都希望能杀入季后赛,我们打的很好。但现在我们能做的就是去赢下本赛季剩余的比赛。
464277907 :提问@火箭队海耶斯 This summer, you will become a free agent, you want to stay in the rockets and rocket contract? I always wanna stay in Houston where i've been feeling great. If everything is ok,Rockets would be my first option,definitely. 2011-04-13 10:44 (今夏你将成为自由球员,你会留在火箭吗?)海耶斯:我一直都想留在休斯敦,这里给我的感觉很棒,如果一切顺利,火箭无疑是我的第一选择。
大蝈蝈 NBA :提问@火箭队海耶斯 总体来说,你认为火箭本赛季的表现怎么样?? I think we are doing well,playing great.But,unfortunately, we had such a slow start,next year,we can learn from this and try to get better. 2011-04-13 10:48 我觉得我们打的很好,表现不错。但是不幸的是我们开局太糟糕了,下赛季我们得吸取教训,尽全力变得更好。你知道,我们本赛季遭遇了太多的伤病,假如我们保持健康,我想我们是能进入季后赛的。
大蝈蝈 NBA :提问@火箭队海耶斯 总体来说,你认为火箭本赛季的表现怎么样?? You know ,we've had a ton of injuries and if we're healthy enough, I guess we can make it. 2011-04-13 10:48 我觉得我们打的很好,表现不错。但是不幸的是我们开局太糟糕了,下赛季我们得吸取教训,尽全力变得更好。你知道,我们本赛季遭遇了太多的伤病,假如我们保持健康,我想我们是能进入季后赛的
大火箭王朝 :提问@火箭队海耶斯 Can you beat Yao then? Yeah ,I've played against with him in the practice. He's good,he can shoot very good,he's got a soft touch of jumper.But I can beat him sometimes. (你能在训练中打爆姚明么?)在训练中我跟他有过对位,他很出色,他的投篮很好,他的跳投手感非常柔和。但有时候我还是可以击败他的。