ur - your
FYI - for your information
gz - geeze (表惊讶)
IC - i see
OIC - oh, i see
IMHO - in my humble opinion
IOW - in other words
L8R - later
LOL/lol - laughing out loud
L8ly - lately
OTOH - on the other hand
POV - point of view
ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing
ttyl - talk to you later
omg - oh my god
thx - thank
nt - nice try
gj - good job
nm - never mind
skul - school
going to - gonna
gotta - got to
w8 = wait
ppl = people
x= kiss
brb = be right back
wb =welcome back
ty = thank you
g2g = got to go
nvm = never mind
btw = by the way
FYI - for your information
gz - geeze (表惊讶)
IC - i see
OIC - oh, i see
IMHO - in my humble opinion
IOW - in other words
L8R - later
LOL/lol - laughing out loud
L8ly - lately
OTOH - on the other hand
POV - point of view
ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing
ttyl - talk to you later
omg - oh my god
thx - thank
nt - nice try
gj - good job
nm - never mind
skul - school
going to - gonna
gotta - got to
w8 = wait
ppl = people
x= kiss
brb = be right back
wb =welcome back
ty = thank you
g2g = got to go
nvm = never mind
btw = by the way