SM Entertainment officially announced, “Kyuhyun was treated for injuries resulting from a car accident. In order to perform for his musical ‘The Three Musketeers‘, Kyuhyun was driving to Kwangju Cultural Arts Center at 5AM. As he was trying to merge into a different lane, he hit a truck, resulting in a minor collision. He had slight bruises on his leg and arm, but fortunately, his bones weren’t injured. He is currently undergoing a physical examination to check for more possible injuries.”
"圭贤现在正在接受治疗. 车祸发生在4月8日早晨5点、为了出演音乐剧《三剑客》, 圭贤一个人开车前往光州文化艺术会馆大剧院。路上在移动中井邑附近变更车道的大卡车相撞造成事故。胳膊和腿受了伤,但所幸骨头无任何异常的诊断,圭贤的医护人员的治疗后,目前为以防万一,正在接受精密的检查"
(转自:Super Junior贴吧)
"圭贤现在正在接受治疗. 车祸发生在4月8日早晨5点、为了出演音乐剧《三剑客》, 圭贤一个人开车前往光州文化艺术会馆大剧院。路上在移动中井邑附近变更车道的大卡车相撞造成事故。胳膊和腿受了伤,但所幸骨头无任何异常的诊断,圭贤的医护人员的治疗后,目前为以防万一,正在接受精密的检查"
(转自:Super Junior贴吧)