原地址:Dan公开赞扬Lady Gaga为Gay权益所做的工作(附死圣下剧照若干张) by 小紫苏 (http://www.luvharry.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15463)
Harry Potter Actor Daniel Radcliffe Praises Lady Gaga's Gay Rights Work
——He's A Big Fan Of Her Views
Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe has said that Lady Gaga is 'wonderful', praising her work for Gay and Lesbian rights.
The young star praised the 'Born This Way' diva, stating that she is helping people accept who they are.
"She's very outspoken as well, and it's just about being who you were born as. It's wonderful that other people are coming out from all different spectrums," Daniel told MTV.
Adding: "I mean, she has a slightly more flamboyant way of putting her point across than I would, and it suits her a lot better than it would me. But we're both aiming for the same thing. But, no, I've never met her."
Daniel will have goodbye to Harry Potter this Summer when the final movie is released in the cinema.
Harry Potter扮演者Daniel赞扬Lady Gaga为Gay权益所做的工作
Harry Potter明星Daniel说Lady Gaga“非常棒”(wonderful),赞扬她为男女同性恋者权益而工作
reference link:http://popdash.com/news/4773/harry-potter-actor-daniel-radcliffe-praises-lady-gagas-gay-rights-work
原地址:Dan公开赞扬Lady Gaga为Gay权益所做的工作(附死圣下剧照若干张) by 小紫苏 (http://www.luvharry.org/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=15463)
Harry Potter Actor Daniel Radcliffe Praises Lady Gaga's Gay Rights Work
——He's A Big Fan Of Her Views
Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe has said that Lady Gaga is 'wonderful', praising her work for Gay and Lesbian rights.
The young star praised the 'Born This Way' diva, stating that she is helping people accept who they are.
"She's very outspoken as well, and it's just about being who you were born as. It's wonderful that other people are coming out from all different spectrums," Daniel told MTV.
Adding: "I mean, she has a slightly more flamboyant way of putting her point across than I would, and it suits her a lot better than it would me. But we're both aiming for the same thing. But, no, I've never met her."
Daniel will have goodbye to Harry Potter this Summer when the final movie is released in the cinema.
Harry Potter扮演者Daniel赞扬Lady Gaga为Gay权益所做的工作
Harry Potter明星Daniel说Lady Gaga“非常棒”(wonderful),赞扬她为男女同性恋者权益而工作
reference link:http://popdash.com/news/4773/harry-potter-actor-daniel-radcliffe-praises-lady-gagas-gay-rights-work