True love doesn't have a happy ending, because true love never ends. Letting go is one way of saying I love you 真正的爱情不会有一个美好的结尾,因为真爱永远不会谢幕,放手也是我爱你的一种方式。
There are many things, not because of hard to let people lose confidence, but people lose confidence, things start to get hard. 有许多事情,不是因为难以做到才让人们失去信心,而是人们失去了信心,事情才变得难以做到。
Feeling is the most torture not depart, but touched memories lets a person easily stand in situ, think back to... 感情最折磨的不是别离,而是感动的回忆让人很容易站在原地,以为还回得去... 很喜欢这句
I closely follow the one he Rapidly than anyone He's there every place I have to Even if he does not know will not be found But I will closely follow -我是紧紧追随的他的一颗 比任何人都要迅速 他在的每个地方 我都要存在 即使他不会发现 也不会知道 但是我会紧紧追随
Sometimes you will feel when you really love something, when You will find how vulnerable and powerless language There are always barriers and feel the text -有的时候你会觉得当你真正爱一样东西的时候 你就会发现语言多么的脆弱和无力 文字与感觉永远有隔阂
We have not walked the streets of the total We have not eaten the bitterness of total How many times a good time to say goodbye Far Remember the world is changing aspirations of the first -我们总有没走过的路 我们总有没吃过的苦 时间好远 说过多少次再见 世界在变 记住最初的心愿
You know that some things are going to insist on is wrong because it can not be reconciled Some people know are also going to give love because no outcome -有些事明知道是错的 也要去坚持 因为不甘心 有些人明知道是爱的 也要去放弃 因为没结局