Love at First Sight 一见钟情
They both thought that a sudden feeling had united them.他们都认为是一种突然的感觉把他们联在一起。
This certainty is beautiful,这当然是美丽的
even more beautiful than uncertainty. 甚至比那飘忽不定的命运更美。
They thought they didn’t know each other,他们认为他们彼此并不了解
nothing had ever happened between them, 在他们之间什么也不曾发生
These streets, these stairs, this corridors, 这些街道,楼梯,这些走廊
Where they could have met so long ago? 在很久以前他们会在哪里相逢?
I would like to ask them, if they can remember - 我很想去询问他们,如果他们还记得——
perhaps in a revolving door face to face one day? 或许某天,他们在一个旋转门里碰过面?
A “sorry“ in the crowd? 人群里的一声“对不起”?
“Wrong number“ on the ’phone? 电话里的一句“打错了”?
- but I know the answer. ——可是我知道那回答:
No, they don’t remember. 不,他们什么也记不起。
How surprised they would be 当他们得知,命运已经
For such a long time already 已经如此长时间地和他们嬉戏
Fate has been playing with them. 他们应该多么惊异!
Not quite yet ready to change into destiny, 还没有做好准备去迎接变幻的命运
which brings them nearer and yet further, 它使他们靠近,又把他们推远
cutting their path 割断他们的道路
and stifling a laugh, 然后压抑住笑声
escaping ever further; 远远地逃开
There were sings(signs), indications, 这儿有一些符号,痕迹
undecipherable, what does in matter. 无法破译,也没什么关系。
Three years ago, perhaps or even last Tuesday, 三年前,或者就在上个星期二
this leaf flying from one shoulder to another? 这片树叶从一个人的肩飞向另一个人?
Something lost and gathered. 有些东西在失去,在聚集。
Who knows, perhaps a ball already 天知道,或许是童年的一个玻璃球
in the bushes, in childhood? 已经滚进了灌木丛里?
There were handles, door bells, 这儿有把手,有门铃
where, on the trace of a hand, 什么地方,这只手握过的
another hand was placed; 另一只手也曾经握过
suitcases next to one another in the left luggage. 在行李寄存处,这只手提箱紧挨着下一个。
And maybe one night the same dream forgotten on walking; 也许那同样的梦被忘却,在某个夜晚的漫步中:
But every badging is only a continuation, 可是每个标记都只是个延续
and the book of fate is always open in the middle. 命运之书的阅读也经常从中间一页开始。
Translation from Polish by Roman Gren