update: 刚刚adam又新转发了一个 BisexualBoi Jason Slaughter Retweet by adamlambert @adamlambert Or maybe a song depicting a hectic, polyamorous love life as gambling in a casino. 或者一首描写 繁忙,多角关系的如在赌场里赌博的爱情
allieyoung13 Allison Young Retweet by adamlambert @adamlambert peering into ur closet full of a shit ton of clothes for minnnnutess & still having no ****ing clue what to wear #lifesohard ;p 在你满是衣服的衣橱找了很久衣服依然发现没有任何的衣服可以穿 #生活太艰难 :P
mrsjokerlady Retweet by adamlambert @adamlambert leather ponchos.皮革披风 Bharathi87 Retweet by adamlambert @adamlambert About hope and strength? You can always get through the hard times if you believe in yourself :) 关于希望和力量? 你如果相信自己,你总能度过那些艰难的时期 adamlambert And goodnight ;) 最后,晚安;) (纽约都早上8点了吧。。)