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【摇滚】The Darkness回归??!!


1楼Justin Hawkins

1楼2011-05-11 08:00回复
    As promised… following a 5 year hiatus, The Darkness will make their return to the world stage on Friday 10th June 2011 at Donington Park where the band will keep the main stage warm for Def Leppard at this year’s Download Festival.
    【Prior to this event, The Darkness will be locked in an East Anglian studio working on tracks that will in time become the band’s third album.】!!!
    For the avoidance of doubt, The Darkness is : Justin Hawkins, Dan Hawkins, Frankie Poullain, Ed Graham.
    More news shall no doubt be forthcoming before too long. In the meantime, tickets for Download and further information can be found at :
    是的,我还是希望能淡定些,毕竟期望越高失望越大。Rock 'n' Roll行业向来都是吃青春饭的,外形层面只是一方面,重点是随着年纪的增长,就没了年轻时那种疯狂和冲动,功成名就后就更没了穷小子时期的随性,音乐也就开始变味。不管怎样,在做好他们音乐风格会改变的心理准备后,我还是开始强烈期待,关键点是我相信Hawkins兄弟的才华。
    Less talk, more work. Everybody well? Hope so.
    Nothing to report here just yet. All heads are down into hard work.
    Suffice to say, radio silence will be broken properly before too long.
    We will soon have news items for friends and family in areas of the Mainland Europes.
    You can now consider yourselves “pre-warned”.

    2楼2011-05-11 08:14
      好吧,反正都失眠了,就继续搜索相关的东东吧 ><
      Unf, they embodied everything I loved about music… they dressed like rock stars, sang like rock stars, wrote music like rock stars and, evidently partied like rock stars as they...
      Let's talk about The Darkness. They were one of my favourite bands while growing up (This is me as an actual teenage fangirl, you guys! You can’t even imagine…) Unf, they embodied everything I loved about music… they dressed like rock stars, sang like rock stars, wrote music like rock stars and, evidently partied like rock stars as they, like most my music crushes, succumbed to drugs and booze and eventually releasing poor music.
      However, that Permission To Land album was so amazingly good. There is actually not a bad song on that album and sure, no one took them seriously when they released that back in 2003 (was it really that long ago?) but they were so popular and I watched on like a proud parents when they won their Brit awards and I was unusually upset when Gary Jules beat them to Christmas number one in 2003 with (such a terribly depressing Christmas song, though not as depressing now you look at the UK Xmas number 1’s from 2005 onwards) Mad World.
      Them coming back and reforming is just one mind blowing news story for me, because THAT’S THE ORIGINAL LINE UP THERE! Frankie included, Dan and Justin friends again, the ugly drummer (just kidding, Ed)!!!!!
      Now I’m just gutted that they’re performing at Download this year and I so need to save money and not spend it on travelling expenses and tickets to festivals, because paying to go to Brighton to see Ryan Adams is even out of my price range, really, and the funny thing is, is that I got into Ryan Adams through The Darkness. So many good musical artists came to me, just through being such a crazy fangirl for these bad ass rockers. Oh my god, I’m rocking out right now and it’s one of those moments where you hear the first two seconds of the first track and you’re all like:
      \m/ ^o^ \m/
      and your heart just bursts with happiness and memories and F**K YEAH!!!

      4楼2011-05-11 09:03
        正在Spotify上听One Way Ticket To Hell...And Back,突然觉得这张专辑的每首歌都那么好听,完全不比Permission To Land差啊,大约以前因为太专注于PTL,没怎么注意过OWTTHAB吧。。。。他们的每首歌都像是专门为我写的

        5楼2011-05-11 09:08
          Justin Hawkins is a genius of parady \o/


          6楼2011-05-12 06:06
            I was drawn to 80s rock because I loved the fact that it was ugly men trying to look like girls and subsequently being really popular with girls. Something about that appealed to me.


            8楼2011-05-15 09:17