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美国罗斯维尔飞碟坠毁事件真相调查-Crash At Corona(1992)


“这是一本记录一次UFO坠毁事件及其后续调查的电子书.而这次坠毁事件就是鼎鼎大名的罗斯威尔事件.(A Definitive Study Of The Roswell Incident).记录了大量第一手资料和独到的分析.作者之一的Friedman是一个核物理学家,而另一位作者Berliner是个科普作家.喜欢UFO的朋友一定要下载看看.同时还附上许多珍贵的第一手资料的影印文件.
THE AUTHORS WISH to express their sincere gratitude to the Fund for UFO Research and Robert Bigelow for their moral and financial support, to the hundreds of people to whom we've talked about various aspects of the crashed saucer problem, to the Mutual UFO Network for publishing so many papers about crashed saucers, to Unsolved Mysteries for its outstanding production about crashed UFOs in New Mexico, and to their agent John White and their editor Andy DeSalvo. Special thanks to Gerald Anderson, John Carpenter, Glenn Dennis, Walter Haut, Alice Knight, Vern Maltais, Dr. Jesse Marcel, Sappho Henderson, Loretta Proctor, Robert Porter, Phyllis McGuire, Elizabeth Tulk, Barbara Dugger, Robert Shirkey, L. W Rickett, General Thomas Jefferson DuBose, Jack Tiffany, researcher Renneta Friesen, and many more for their cooperation, time, and trust in us. Stanton Friedman wishes to express special gratitude to his family for putting up with his obsession with crashed saucers and his many weeks away from home for more than a decade before finally co-authoring this long talked-of book. ”

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