这是一条令人震惊的新闻:17 岁的小郑是安徽淮山人,今年刚上高一,想要买一个IPAD2,但是没钱。上网时接触到一个卖肾的中介,4 月 28 号,卖肾中介用 2 万元做诱饵,带他到湖南郴州某医院进行了肾摘除手术。
对这件事人们议论纷纷,有人谴责黑心的卖肾中介,有人痛恨无良医生,也有人感叹不良的社会风气把小郑熏染成这样:“没办法,逼急了,没有 IPAD 被人看不起。”卖肾的初衷是“当时想要买一个 iPad2,但是没钱”。受周围环境影响,因攀比心太重而做出这种饮鸩止渴的愚蠢行为,实在是让人吃惊。
以后苹果的 iPad 3 出来以后他怎么办?
(He is going to be kicking himself when they release the iPad 3 later this year.)
(Just sell the other one? I mean come one...)
是的,当 iPad 3 出来时,他会卖掉他另一颗肾的。欢呼吧,哥们儿,今年苹果公司的……。竖起大拇指。
(He'll probably sell d other kidney when ipad 3 is unpacked. Cheers bro. U d best. Apple adent of the year. Thumbs up.)
放声大笑。 iPad 3 哈,他会再捐献的……不过也难说,这故事听起来让人不安。
(lol. i pad 3 hah. then he'll donate... well i dont want to know. that story is disturbing as it is. Goodluck kidney boy)
具有讽刺意味的是,他或许可以在 EBAY 上卖冒牌球衣来赚钱。啊当然了,肾是可以再长出来的,不是吗?
(The irony is he could have raised the money selling counterfeit jerseys on ebay. Ah well, kidneys grow back, don't they?)
(No. Livers grow back, not kidneys. But you only need one of your two kidneys to live. Live a life with relatively high chance of kidney failure and days filled with dialysis!)
(dumbest. decision. ever.
of all time.)
在新闻里他们忘记说了,在报警之前,那位妈妈大发脾气,砸毁了儿子卖肾买来的手提电脑以及 ipad,并把儿子打得屁滚尿流。
(They forgot to mention what happened before the police were called: The mother freaks out, destroys the laptop & ipad and beats the crap out of the boy.)
令人沮丧。为了一个像 iPad2 那样的电子垃圾。要是换了我,我会等到有更好的平板电脑时再卖肾。世界上有那么多的傻瓜,乔布斯先生会笑掉大牙。
(Sad this. For a piece of iCrap like the iPad2. I would have waited for a more serious tablet. It goes to show that there are lots of iTOODUMB people out there. I am sure the iCon Mr Jobs is laughing his head off.)
对这件事人们议论纷纷,有人谴责黑心的卖肾中介,有人痛恨无良医生,也有人感叹不良的社会风气把小郑熏染成这样:“没办法,逼急了,没有 IPAD 被人看不起。”卖肾的初衷是“当时想要买一个 iPad2,但是没钱”。受周围环境影响,因攀比心太重而做出这种饮鸩止渴的愚蠢行为,实在是让人吃惊。
以后苹果的 iPad 3 出来以后他怎么办?
(He is going to be kicking himself when they release the iPad 3 later this year.)
(Just sell the other one? I mean come one...)
是的,当 iPad 3 出来时,他会卖掉他另一颗肾的。欢呼吧,哥们儿,今年苹果公司的……。竖起大拇指。
(He'll probably sell d other kidney when ipad 3 is unpacked. Cheers bro. U d best. Apple adent of the year. Thumbs up.)
放声大笑。 iPad 3 哈,他会再捐献的……不过也难说,这故事听起来让人不安。
(lol. i pad 3 hah. then he'll donate... well i dont want to know. that story is disturbing as it is. Goodluck kidney boy)
具有讽刺意味的是,他或许可以在 EBAY 上卖冒牌球衣来赚钱。啊当然了,肾是可以再长出来的,不是吗?
(The irony is he could have raised the money selling counterfeit jerseys on ebay. Ah well, kidneys grow back, don't they?)
(No. Livers grow back, not kidneys. But you only need one of your two kidneys to live. Live a life with relatively high chance of kidney failure and days filled with dialysis!)
(dumbest. decision. ever.
of all time.)
在新闻里他们忘记说了,在报警之前,那位妈妈大发脾气,砸毁了儿子卖肾买来的手提电脑以及 ipad,并把儿子打得屁滚尿流。
(They forgot to mention what happened before the police were called: The mother freaks out, destroys the laptop & ipad and beats the crap out of the boy.)
令人沮丧。为了一个像 iPad2 那样的电子垃圾。要是换了我,我会等到有更好的平板电脑时再卖肾。世界上有那么多的傻瓜,乔布斯先生会笑掉大牙。
(Sad this. For a piece of iCrap like the iPad2. I would have waited for a more serious tablet. It goes to show that there are lots of iTOODUMB people out there. I am sure the iCon Mr Jobs is laughing his head off.)