第一次遇见你们,是《first snow>的初冬。虽然那时还分不清你们的面容,但你们的笑让我很《幸福》。你们13个人《knock out》我的心脏,就像《shining star》。你们就是我的《奇迹》,闪亮在生命的每一瞬间。
这五年你们给我多少感动。<you are the one>,which is the one love.<you are my endless love>,at <endless moment>.thirteen smile face,thirteen <angela>,thirteen super man,like the< honey >and the <sunny>in the sky .i alawys <missin you>at the <midnight fantasty>,<so i>stay awake to have a <disco drive>.these are my <way for love>.
《很久很久以前》,我们都曾经《dead at heart》,《只为一个人》---小13.我看到死神几乎就要收回你的《人形》,我太过紧张以至于不知道《who am i》,所有妖精的血液似乎就要《凝结》。《in my dream》,i always cry all the time.the face in the <mirror>is sad.i was afraid that i wont see <your eyes>again.but <thank you>,<u>are really <梦想的hero>.你演绎诠释了《希望是不灭的梦》。
我们那时一位从此以后《good luck》将一直在《you and i》之间,《candy》会一直甜到心头,《saphire blue》will keep <over>the<whole new world>,其实等我们的是无数次心碎。
范范走了。每当我们回忆起那首只属于我们的《marry u》,不禁黯然泪下。我们呼喊《dont don》,但是没有用。
you come back in 2009.and say sorry sorry to all the star,just because it is your time,and other wont have chance to be<clud number 1>.every elf hear you say that<i am your man>,<i am>coming back to protect you.you are <success>.you please <show me you love>.i cant <lova u more>because <my all is in you>.<nothing better>than this.our expression is <untranslation>.
然而强仁像个小孩接二连三的犯错。我们《hate you love you》。我们想要《倾听你》的痛。我们明白《爱真的很痛》。你和我们《初别》,别害怕,我们永远是你的《夏星》照亮你的路,也会给你《爱的翅膀》。我《wish》你可以早点回来,回来《way back into love》,我们永远在这等你。《为了明天》暂时的隐忍是值得的,《到了明天》,我们亲口对你说《i lova you》,继续《和朋友相爱》
........从那一刻起再也没有《lovely day》了.......
another <heart quake>happen .i dont know if hangeng leave ,who will<cooking cooking>the <love disease>for heelchul.<its you>,<no other>.i want to ask if you have forgotten <our love>.<she(you)has gone>,and i cant mind you <smile>without <the one >you love.你要明白《在没有像你这样的人》,《不是你不行》。你放弃了《only love》,时不时即使在《春日》也做着《snow dream》,你怎么可以忘了你们像《蜗牛》一样慢慢努力进步的日子;忘了你们还是《wonder boy》的灿烂时光;忘了一同打闹抢洗澡的《happy bubble》;忘了你们《七年间的爱》。我不知道是不是一个《好人》,你留下像《玻璃新娘》一样干净美好的12人,一个人头也不回的走了。剩他们失《魂》落魄。
如果有一座《魔法之城》,我要徒步去祈祷,求求你《停下脚步》。我要《keep in touch》,知道你苏醒,告诉你《i wanna love you》,《即使很也要再来一次》。结束这场《旅行》,回家吧。不要让《mamorize far from you》,《lets not》.....
you know ,you are <all my heart >.these are <more than words>.sometimes maybe i dont know <why i like you>.请允许我,搭上《首班车》,《现在去见你》,哼一首《seoul song》,看一看《victory korea》,《渴望》享受《l.o.v.e》,参加几个《pajama party》,《here we go》and 《shake it up》
我不知道你们心中的《super girl》,谁是你们的《bonamana》,你们会和谁争论《the girl is mine》。what if,i still love you.i <believe> you are the <angel>in my life,nomatter who belongs with you
now ,<dancing out >the difficult.you have to be with <me> forever.《只有那些》,我生命中《至少还有你》们。
i think we will <happy together>,we have <endless love>.