Dear Jinguan: Your English is really good. I learn some new expressions. The discussions among you, ZZ and Missito are heated but constructive. To be frank I think there are no big differences in our opinions but we have expressed them in different ways. Agree with you on Chinese and American education system, however, once the creativity dies, we will never be able to win it back.
Dear 加州蜜: I did hesitate which word to choose among Mafia, gang and criminal organisation. But I doubted if China have the real Mafia if you read Godfather, you would know what I mean. I Baidu 黑啊社会 today and get the following: Mafia-style organizations; gangland gangsterdom mobdom gangdom例句与用法: 黑啊社会有组织的犯罪团伙组成的下流社会,黑社会 The underworld of organized criminal gangs
向西方介绍秀波,绝不要他改变,去适应好莱坞的喜好,甚至不需要学英语。 我们现在应该有底气说:这是我们中国人认为好的东西,你来了解它, 你不喜欢,不理解,那是你们的问题,可以选择走开。 就像我昨天推荐色楼主关于关云长的剧评时说的,好酒也怕巷子深。 当那些大品牌选择秀波作为代言人,如果只是中方告诉他,这人很红,人气不得了, 这是不够的,他们需要知道为什么人气高,要带着足够的敬意。 This is my standpoint.