“we are the crowd we're cuh-coming out got my flash on it's true need that picture of you it's so magical we'd be so fantastic, oh leather and jeans your watch glamorous not sure what it means but this photo of us it don't have a price ready for those flashing lights 'cause you know that baby i。 。。 i'm your biggest fan i'll follow you until you love me papa-paparazzi baby there's no other superstar you know that i'll be your。。。 papa-paparazzi promise i'll be kind but i won't stop until that boy is mine baby you'll be famous chase you down until you love me papa-paparazzi i'll be your girl backstage at your show velvet ropes and guitars yeah cause you know i'm starting between the sets eyeliner and cigarettes shadow is burnt, yellow dance and return my lashes are dry。。。 but the teardrops i cry it don't have a price loving you is cherry pie 'cause you know that baby i。。。” “大清早的!打什么电话!想死啊!”手机铃声《paparazzi》响起,正在熟睡的洁刚按下接听键便往里面吼道。 “帮主,苍天帮最近一直到帮里来挑衅”原来是远在中国的助手MN “管它什么“苍天”“大地”!死!”洁恢复了冷漠状态 “可····可是,帮主,情况很乱,不得不让您出面啊!”MN好像有点紧张,毕竟,两方不是好惹的。 “嗯,那我马上回国,你先顶一会儿”洁依旧不冷不热地回答并还略带困意,因为就算天塌下她还是冷漠的表情,冷漠的言辞。 “是,帮主。”MN “喂,准备下,马上回国!”洁按了下左耳上的耳钉,向隔壁房间的姐妹们颁布了命令。 20min后,洁准备完毕,靠在车上等着乌龟二人组(当然就是茜和漠啦!) “I'm coming”漠很帅地甩了甩前额的刘海,茜M很困,一言不发,靠在洁肩上。 “茜,怎么了?”洁很关心地问。 “昨天赶论文,4点才睡,精神不好”茜闭着眼睛,黑眼圈也很明显。 “那都别开车了,坐林肯加长,在车上好好休息下。”洁 “支持!”漠