Why people say virginity is precious?!?
I dont understand the reason, it sounds stupid religious...
I mean its against your nature, not having sex after you are old enough, so why its good to be virgin?, keeping yourself for marriage and stupid stuff like that?... why its purity?! i dont understand?!!
where does this sex taboo in people's mind come from?
4 years ago
PLUS: im virgin!!(Posted by:Happy Niny 4 years ago)
为什么人们都说女人的贞操是宝贵的?我不知道理由是什么?听起来带点愚蠢的宗教性,我认为当你长大足够成熟却不去经历性爱是违背人性的。因此,变成处女有什么好的?就为了这种愚蠢的东西,为了婚姻压抑自己,守身如玉?为什么这就代表纯洁了?我不理解!!不知道人们脑子里的这种“性禁忌”意识是从那里来的?另外:我本人就是处女!!(发布者:Happy Niny 4年前)
I dont understand the reason, it sounds stupid religious...
I mean its against your nature, not having sex after you are old enough, so why its good to be virgin?, keeping yourself for marriage and stupid stuff like that?... why its purity?! i dont understand?!!
where does this sex taboo in people's mind come from?
4 years ago
PLUS: im virgin!!(Posted by:Happy Niny 4 years ago)
为什么人们都说女人的贞操是宝贵的?我不知道理由是什么?听起来带点愚蠢的宗教性,我认为当你长大足够成熟却不去经历性爱是违背人性的。因此,变成处女有什么好的?就为了这种愚蠢的东西,为了婚姻压抑自己,守身如玉?为什么这就代表纯洁了?我不理解!!不知道人们脑子里的这种“性禁忌”意识是从那里来的?另外:我本人就是处女!!(发布者:Happy Niny 4年前)