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Why people say virginity is precious?!?
I dont understand the reason, it sounds stupid religious...
I mean its against your nature, not having sex after you are old enough, so why its good to be virgin?, keeping yourself for marriage and stupid stuff like that?... why its purity?! i dont understand?!!
where does this sex taboo in people's mind come from?
4 years ago
PLUS: im virgin!!(Posted by:Happy Niny 4 years ago)
为什么人们都说女人的贞操是宝贵的?我不知道理由是什么?听起来带点愚蠢的宗教性,我认为当你长大足够成熟却不去经历性爱是违背人性的。因此,变成处女有什么好的?就为了这种愚蠢的东西,为了婚姻压抑自己,守身如玉?为什么这就代表纯洁了?我不理解!!不知道人们脑子里的这种“性禁忌”意识是从那里来的?另外:我本人就是处女!!(发布者:Happy Niny 4年前)

1楼2011-07-11 19:46回复
    I strongly believe you have already found out why. This is a scream of desperation by your part. More than likely you've been around and now that you found the person you want to be with the rest of your life is not wanting to marry you because of your past. Just change from now on, you've already lost that treasure, so what. If you really repent, God will forgive you.(Posted by:?cgc2006 4 years ago)
    我坚信你已经意识到了“为什么”。对于你来说,这只不过是在绝望中的歇斯底里而已,极有可能你曾今阅男无数,现在找到了想与之相伴一生的人,但那人知道了你的过去后就不再想娶你了。既如此,从今天起改变自己,你既然已经失去了宝贵的东西,如果你能真心忏悔,也没什么大不了,上帝还是会原谅你的。(发布者:?cgc2006 4年前)

    4楼2011-07-11 19:48
      Stupid religious? Tell that to GOD as you stand before him after you die, don't think that he will like that very much. Virginity signifies purity. Maybe if you had respect for yourself or your body you would understand.(Posted by:lhubbs80 4 years ago)
      愚蠢宗教性的东西?你有种死后站在上帝面前对他说出这句话,不要指望他会喜欢。贞操是纯洁的象征。只有你尊重自己,尊重你的身体时,才会理解。(发布者:lhubbs80 4年前)

      5楼2011-07-11 19:49
        Its the only thing you have that you can only give once so you should give it to the one your going to spend the rest of your life with.(Posted by:melfred_... 4 years ago)
        这是你唯一只能给与他人一次的东西,所以你应该把这留给将陪伴你度过余生的人。(发布者:melfred_... 4年前)

        6楼2011-07-11 19:49
          because once its gone, there is no getting it back(Posted by:SUE G online 4 years ago)
          因为一旦失去了它,你就再也找不回来了(发布者:SUE G online 4年前)

          7楼2011-07-11 19:50
            You can only give it once,and it's something you'll remember for the rest of your life. That's why it's precious.(Posted by:Flit 4 years ago)
            因为贞操只能给与他人一次,也就是这一次,才是你余生中最刻骨铭心的一次。因此它是宝贵的。(发布者:Flit 4年前)

            9楼2011-07-11 19:51
              Once you lose it, you can't get it back. Many have given it away too easily and have regretted it.(Posted by:Rolyn R 4 years ago)
              一旦你失去了它,你就再也找不回来了。很多随意丢弃“它”的人都已经后悔不迭了。(发布者:Rolyn R 4年前)

              10楼2011-07-11 19:52
                well why wouldn't it be precious...don't u want your first time to be with your husband or someone special...u just don't want to jump into bed with any fool..and plus its something u can NEVER EVER get back so...enjoy what u have(Posted by:kdaniell... 4 years ago)
                为什么你认为这不是宝贵的东西。。。难道你不想把你的第一次留给你的丈夫或什么特殊的人....你不应该和一些蠢货们随便跳上床,另外,一旦失去了它,你就再也找不回来了。因此,请珍惜你现在所拥有的。(发布者:kdaniell... 4年前)

                11楼2011-07-11 19:52
                  To control you and your sexuality.(Posted by: hfrankma... 4 years ago)
                  为了约束你和你的性冲动。(发布者:hfrankma... 4年前)

                  12楼2011-07-11 19:53
                    on't worry. It's only considered "precious" if you're female. If you're male, it's considered a burden.(Posted by: Maria 4 years ago)
                    别担心。对于女人来说,这被认为是一种珍贵,如果对于男人来说,这只被认为是一种负担(发布者:Maria 4年前)

                    13楼2011-07-11 19:53
                      It is precious... Untill you lose it.(Posted by: Best of British 4 years ago)
                      在你失去它之前,它是宝贵的。(发布者:Best of British 4年前)

                      14楼2011-07-11 19:54
                        It is stupid. Notice, when they say that they are ALWAYS talking about women. It's another control thing.(Posted by: sarrafze 4 years ago)
                        当它只针对女人来说的时候,注意,它是愚蠢的。它沦为了一种控制手段。(发布者:sarrafze 4年前)

                        15楼2011-07-11 19:55
                          Well, it is one of the few things that you decide when it is gone and when it is gone, you can never get it back. Girls and women who are not religious or spiritual in any way can just as well tell you about the regret, loss of self-worth and respect they suffered from virginity that was lost capriciously. Especially if they continued to be promiscuous afterward. Or if they had to go through an unwanted pregnancy or STD treatment. So it's not a religious issue at all.(Posted by: julz 4 years ago)
                          它是让你所能决定的极为稀有的东西,当你失去它的时候,你就在也找不回来了。那些精神和信仰不坚定的女人和女孩们能够向你哭诉她们的悔恨,由于任性使她们失去了贞操,结果失去了自我价值,失去了自尊,最后彻底陷入自暴自弃的状态。她们不得不经历被动怀孕和性病治疗的苦楚。因此,这根本就不是什么宗教话题。(发布者:julz 4年前)

                          16楼2011-07-11 19:55
                            Because I doubt sleeping around makes someone feel precious(Posted by: Lisa T (Stop BSL) 4 years ago)
                            因为我怀疑随便和人睡觉的行为让某些人意识到贞操是宝贵的(发布者:Lisa T (Stop BSL) 4年前)

                            17楼2011-07-11 19:56