汐蓂葻吧 关注:19贴子:559
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鹅妈妈童谣(Mother Goose)是英国民间童谣集,中文译为鹅妈妈童谣集。这些民间童谣在英国流传时间相当久,有的长达数百年,总数约有八百多首,内容典雅,有幽默故事、游戏歌曲、儿歌、谜语、催眠曲、字母歌、数数歌、绕口令、动物歌等,英国人称其为 Nursery Rhymes(儿歌),美国人称其为 Mother Goose(鹅妈妈童谣),是英、美人士从孩童时代就耳熟能详的儿歌。(

1楼2011-07-13 18:41回复
    <1> Who killed Cock Robin? (谁杀了知更鸟?)
    Who killed Cock Robin?
    I, said the Sparrow,
    With my bow and arrow,
    I killed Cock Robin.
    Who saw him die?
    I, said the Fly.
    With my little eye,
    I saw him die.
    Who caught his blood?
    I, said the Fish,
    With my little dish,
    I caught his blood.
    Who'll make his shroud?
    I , said the Beetle,
    With my thread and needle,
    I'll make the shroud.
    Who'll dig his grave?
    I, said the Owl,
    With my pick and shovel,
    I'll dig his grave.
    Who'll be the person?
    I, said the Rook,
    With my little book,
    I'll be the person.
    Who'll be the clerk?
    I, said the Lark,
    If it's not in the dark,
    I'll be the clerk.
    Who'll carry the link?
    I, said the Linnet,
    I'll fetch it in a minute,
    i'll carry the link.
    Who'll be chief mourner?
    I, said the Dove,
    mourn for my love,
    I'll be chief mourner.
    Who'll carry the coffin?
    I, said the Kite,
    If it's not through the night,
    I'll carry the coffin.
    Who'll bear the pall?
    We, said the Wren,
    both the cock and the hen,
    We'll bear the pall.
    Who'll sing a psalm?
    I, said the Thrush,
    As she sat on a bush,
    i'll sing a psalm.
    Who'll toll the bell?
    I, said the Bull,
    Because I can pull,
    So Cock Robin, farewell.
    All the birds of the air
    Fell a-sighing and a-sobbing,
    When they heard the bell toll
    For poor Cock Robin.
    NOTICE To all it concerns,
    This notice apprises,
    The Sparrow's for trial,
    At next bird assizes.

    2楼2011-07-13 18:46
      (中译) 谁杀了知更鸟? 是我,麻雀说, 我杀了知更鸟, 用我的弓和箭。 谁看到他死? 是我,苍蝇说, 我看到他死, 用我的小眼睛。 谁取走他的血? 是我,鱼说, 我取走他的血, 用我的小碟子。 谁来做寿衣? 是我,甲虫说, 我将为他做寿衣, 用我的针和线。 谁来挖坟墓? 是我,猫头鹰说, 我将为他挖坟墓, 用我的凿子和铲子。 谁来当牧师? 是我,乌鸦说, 我将为他当牧师, 用我的小本子。 谁来当执事? 是我,云雀说, 如果不是在暗处, 我将当执事。 谁拿火炬来? 是我,红雀说, 我将拿它片刻。 我将拿火炬来。 谁来当主祭? 是我,鸽子说, 我将当主祭。 为吾爱哀悼。 谁来抬棺? 是我,鸢说, 若不经过夜晚, 我将抬棺。 谁来扶棺? 是我们,鹪鹩说, 还有公鸡和母鸡, 我们将扶棺。 谁来唱赞美诗? 是我,画眉说, 当他埋入灌木丛中, 我将唱赞美诗。 谁来敲丧钟? 是我,牛说, 鹅妈妈童谣 原版故事
      因为我可以拉钟, 所以,再会了,知更鸟。 当丧钟 为那可怜的知更鸟响起, 空中所有的鸟 都悲叹哭泣。 启事 关系人请注意, 下回小鸟审判, 受审者为麻雀。

      3楼2011-07-13 18:47
        Lizzie Borden took an axe (莉琪波登拿着斧头) Lizzie Borden took an axe,
        and gave her mother forty whacks. When she saw what she had done,
        she gave her father forty-one.
        (中译) 莉琪波登拿起斧头, 劈了妈妈四十下; 当她意识到自己的行为, 又砍了爸爸四十一下

        6楼2011-07-13 18:50
          <5>三只瞎眼的老鼠three blind mice Three Blind Mice Three blind mice! See how they run! They all ran after the farmer's wife, Who cut off their tails with a carving knife. Did you ever see such a thing in your life As three blind mice? (中译) 三只瞎眼的老鼠!看它们跑的方式! 它们追著农夫的老婆, 她用餐刀切了它们的尾巴。 你这辈子见过像这样的东西吗? 和三只瞎眼的老鼠一样。

          8楼2011-07-13 18:51
            当亚瑟王治理这片土地的时候, 他是一位伟大的王。 他偷了三袋麦片, 为了做一个大布丁。 这个王做的布丁, 放进许多葡萄干, 还放进了一块大奶油, 就像我的两个拇指那么大。 国王和皇后吃了布丁, 身边的贵族们也吃了。 那天晚上他们什么也没吃, 第二天早上皇后被油煎了。 When good King Arthur ruled his land He was a goodly king; He stole three pecks of barley meal To make a bag-pudding. A bag-pudding the king did make, And stuffed it well with plums, And in it put great lumps of fat As big as my two thumbs. The king and queen did eat thereof, And noblemen beside, And what they could not eat that night The queen next morning fried.

            10楼2011-07-13 18:53
              死了一个男子 死了一个男子, 一个没出息的男子, 懒得动手把他埋在坟墓里。 头滚落在床下, 四肢散乱的在房间里。 There Was A Man There was a man, a very untidy man, Whose fingers could nowhere be found to put in his tomb. He had rolled his head far underneath the bed; He had left legs and ar***ying all over the room.

              11楼2011-07-13 18:54
                妈妈杀了我 妈妈杀了我, 爸爸吃了我, 兄弟姐妹坐在餐桌底下, 拣起我的骨头, 埋在冰冷的石墓里。 My Mother Has Killed Me My mother has killed me, My father is eating me, My brothers and sisters sit under the table, Picking up my bones, And they bury them under the cold marble stones.

                12楼2011-07-13 18:54
                  杰克 杰克是敏捷的,杰克是快的,杰克跳过了蜡烛-棍。 going to st. ives as i was going to st. ives, i met a man with seven wives. every wife had seven sacks, every sack had seven cats, every cat had seven kits. kits, cats, sacks, and wives, how many were going to st. ives?

                  13楼2011-07-13 18:55
                    欢乐地摇下又摇上,伦敦的钟儿响当当。 提到枪靶和靶心,就数大钟圣马格丽特。 提到瓦片和砖头,就数大钟圣吉尔斯。 提到橘子和柠檬,就数大钟圣克雷门。 提到糕饼和馅饼,就数大钟圣彼德。 两根木棒一颗苹果,那就是大钟白教堂。 提到光头老神父,就想到大钟阿得盖特。 提到穿白围裙的女士们,就数大钟圣凯萨林。 说到火叉和火钳,就数大钟圣约翰。 说起茶壶和煎锅,就想到大钟圣安娜。 提到五毛钱和两分半,就数大钟圣马汀。 提到你欠我十先令,就想到大钟圣海伦。 要问你什麼时候还钱,就让我想到大钟老贝礼。 还钱?得等我有钱,就想到大钟休尔狄区。 等你有钱?那是什麼时候?就想到大钟史特普尼。 我也不太清楚,似是大钟包伍的回应。 应该是我老的时候吧,说话的像是大钟圣保罗。 蜡烛点燃时你该上床睡觉去,当心刀斧要你的命。

                    14楼2011-07-13 18:57
                      What are little boys made of ? What are little boys made of ? Frogs and snails And puppy-dogs' tails, 小男孩是由什么做的? 青蛙和蜗牛 还有小狗的尾巴 What are little girls made of ? Sugar and spice And all that's nice. 小女孩是由什么做的? 糖和香料 都是那么的美好呀

                      15楼2011-07-13 18:57
                        As White As Milk As white as milk, And not milk; As green as grass, And not grass; As red as blood, And not blood; As black as soot, And not soot. 像牛奶一样白, 而不是牛奶; 像青草一样绿, 而不是青草; 像鲜血一样红, 而不是鲜血; 像煤烟一样黑, 而不是煤烟。

                        16楼2011-07-13 18:58

                          18楼2011-07-13 19:00

                            19楼2011-07-13 19:00
                              妹妹背着洋娃娃 走到花园去看花 娃娃哭了叫妈妈 树上的小鸟在笑哈哈
                              娃娃啊娃娃 为什么哭呢 是不是想起了妈妈的话
                              娃娃啊娃娃 不要再哭啦 有什么心事就对我说吧
                              从前我也有个家 还有亲爱的爸爸妈妈 有天爸爸喝醉了 拣起了斧头走向妈妈
                              爸爸啊爸爸 砍了很多下 红色的血啊 染红了墙
                              妈妈的头啊 滚到床底下 她的眼睛啊 还望着我呢
                              爸爸 妈妈 为什么呀 为什么呀
                              然后啊爸爸 叫我帮帮他 我们把妈妈埋在树下 然后啊爸爸 举起斧头了

                              20楼2011-07-13 19:03