Chapter 1 A New Friend in Town 第一章 新朋友The Sky was pitch-black, only the full moon and the twinkling of the stars could be seen through an occasional drifting cloud. The forest was silent except for the sound of hooves thundering the ground. A white glowing pony wearing a purple hooded cape; ran through the forest. Her sky blue tail blew in the wind with strains of her mane showing from under her hood. She carried a basket in her mouth, a pink silk cloth laid tucked inside. Her breathing became heavy from her long run. She glanced behind her worriedly. She knew someone was following her, she could hear the sounds of thundering hoofs. She knew they were close behind even though she didn't know who they were.
She looked down at the basket she carried in her mouth. What would she do with the basket? She couldn't go back and she didn't know where she was or where to go. Fear and worries slowly began to creep up inside her. She stopped in the valley at the edge of the forest; in the valley below were lots of houses but only one house still had their lights on; everyone else was asleep. She closed her eyes letting a single tear trickle down her cheek; she knew what she had to do. She looked back to see if her followers were in sight, the forest was too dark to see anything. She rushed out of the forest and ran down the street, through several yards and jumping over fences. When she reached the house she put the basket on the door step and smiled but she felt too sad for smiled for long. She lowered her head and lightly nuzzled the silk cloth. A tear fell from her cheek to the blanket. Knowing she didn't have time to waste, she stood on her hind legs and knocked on the door. She looked at the basket one last time and then ran. She quickly left the valley and ran into the forest.
When she heard how quiet the forest was she got worried, the thundering hoof beats were gone. At first she thought she had lost her followers but when she saw them to the side of her staring at her she gasped fearfully. There stood three black male ponies with black and dark blue hair. One was a Pegasus and the other was a unicorn. The third appeared to be a normal earth pony. All three of them had hairy feet.
She looked down at the basket she carried in her mouth. What would she do with the basket? She couldn't go back and she didn't know where she was or where to go. Fear and worries slowly began to creep up inside her. She stopped in the valley at the edge of the forest; in the valley below were lots of houses but only one house still had their lights on; everyone else was asleep. She closed her eyes letting a single tear trickle down her cheek; she knew what she had to do. She looked back to see if her followers were in sight, the forest was too dark to see anything. She rushed out of the forest and ran down the street, through several yards and jumping over fences. When she reached the house she put the basket on the door step and smiled but she felt too sad for smiled for long. She lowered her head and lightly nuzzled the silk cloth. A tear fell from her cheek to the blanket. Knowing she didn't have time to waste, she stood on her hind legs and knocked on the door. She looked at the basket one last time and then ran. She quickly left the valley and ran into the forest.
When she heard how quiet the forest was she got worried, the thundering hoof beats were gone. At first she thought she had lost her followers but when she saw them to the side of her staring at her she gasped fearfully. There stood three black male ponies with black and dark blue hair. One was a Pegasus and the other was a unicorn. The third appeared to be a normal earth pony. All three of them had hairy feet.