According to the radius of the electron and the density of the Neutron, we can
calculate the mass of the Critical Photon and other Physical Constants :
2×Ro^2 + Ro^2 (Ro/(Re+2Ro))^2 + 4×Re×Ro - 2×Rceo×Ro + Re^2 = 0 -------- (11)
Rceo = K×Qp×Qe / ( Me×C^2 ) = 2.8179402894(58) fm ---------------------------- (12)
Rcp = 2×Ro; Ro = 0.0015674688(15) fm;
Radius: Rcp = 0.0031349376(29) fm; Mass: Mcp = 9.347546(38)×10^-36 kg;
Energy: Ecp = 4.200578(17)×10^-19 J; Energy: Ecp = 2.621795(11) eV;
Frequency: Fcp = 6.339471(26)×10^14 Hz; W avelengh: λcp = λsha = 472.8982(20) nm;
Apply the Wien's law we can obtain:
Tsha = 2897768.5(51) nm·K /λsha = 6127.679(37)K