元述吧 关注:35贴子:984
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1楼2011-07-27 23:05回复
    公元660年,百济被新罗和唐朝的联军灭亡。公元668年,高句丽王国也为新罗和唐朝的联军所灭。统一战争期间,金庾信将军一跃成为新罗最伟大的将领。公元672年,元述将军与Baeksu 城堡附近与唐朝军队作战。起初,新罗军略占优势。然而,在他们追击唐朝军队的时候却落入了圈套,并因此损失了7位将军和无数士兵。当元述意识到败局不可避免时,他准备冒死冲入敌军防线,但是他的属下阻止他道,“死亡对于勇士来说并不难,难的是如何选择死亡的时间。死得毫无价值不如(活着)待来日再复仇。”元述答道:“人不可屈辱苟活。”于是便跨马扬鞭而去。然而,他的手下死死抓住马的缰绳不放,元述无法死在战场上,只得回到庆州。

    2楼2011-07-27 23:07
      公元 673年6月,有人看到几十个身穿盔甲手持武器的士兵哭喊着从庾信府中出来,随后便消失得无影无踪。听说这件怪事,庾信说道:“他们是守护我的天兵。如今,我运数已尽,死期不远了。”公元 673年7月1日,金庾信将军与世长辞,享年79岁。 元述回家参加父亲的葬礼,而他母亲却将他拒之门外,尽管他是被误当成懦夫的。她说:“我如何接受一个不为自己父亲认可的儿子呢?”元述痛哭欲绝,回到了自己的藏身之处。
      公元 675年9月,元述回去抗击唐朝侵略军。战场上,他表现英勇,视死如归。结果,他大败唐军。战后,他本应回庆州接受嘉赏,但是他并未回去,而是走入深山,去忏悔自己对双亲的不孝。

      3楼2011-07-27 23:09
        ----The End----
        Kim Won-Sul (김원술) (?-?) was a son of the Silla General Kim Yusin, and served under Silla's 30th ruler, King Munmu the Great, and played a major role in defending the kingdom against Tang invaders after the conquest of both Goguryeo and Baekje by the year 668.
        Kim Won-Sul was the second son of General Kim Yu-Sin, and direct descendant of King Suro, the founder of Geumgwan Gaya. Kim Won-Sul was a member of the Silla Jinggol class, and rose to the rank of Low-level general by the time of Goguryeo's fall to the Silla-Tang Alliance.
        "Unification Wars"
        In 660, the kingdom of Baekje fell to the armies of the Silla-Tang Alliance. Baekje was then followed by the kingdom of Goguryeo, which fell in 668 to the Silla-Tang Alliance as well. General Kim Yu-Sin's reputation as the greatest general of Silla rose during these "Unification Wars".
        General Won-Sul was near Baeksu Castle in August of the year 672, fighting Tang troops. Silla troops seemed to be winning the battle at the beginning. However, they chased the retreating Chinese troops and fell into a trap that killed seven generals and countless soldiers. As Wonsul realized that defeat was unavoidable, he prepared to die by jumping into the enemy lines. His staff, however, blocked him and said, “It is not difficult for a brave man to die. What’s more difficult is to choose when to die. Dying worthless is worse than revenging later." Wonsul answered, “A man never lives a humiliating life" and then whipped his horse to make a dash. His staff, however, held the horse by the bridle and did not let go. Wonsul could not die at the battle and returned to Gyeongju.
        Abandonment and Redemption
        Outraged, Yusin asked King Munmu to execute his shameful son. He was extremely serious about the execution, because Silla lost as many as seven generals in the battle. King Munmu, however, refused to punish Wonsul by saying, “I can’t blame the defeat on a low-level officer." Being ashamed of himself and afraid of facing his father, Wonsul hid in a secluded area.
        In June 673, people witnessed several dozen crying soldiers in armour with weapons in their hands walking out of Yusin’s home. Then, they vanished without a trace. Hearing about the strange incident, Yusin said, “They were the heavenly guardian soldiers who protected me. Now, my luck ran out. I shall die very soon." On July 1, 673, General Yusin Kim died at the age of 79.
        Wonsul returned home to attend his father's funeral. However, his mother rejected him, although he was wrongfully accused of being a coward. She said, “How can I be the mother of a son who was not a son to his father." Wonsul cried and returned to his hiding place.
        In September 675, Wonsul returned to fight the Invading Tang. He fought as if anxious to die on the battle field. As a result, he achieved a great victory over the Tang troops. When the war was over, he was scheduled to be highly awarded in Gyeongju. He, however, never returned to Gyeongju and went deep into the mountains regretting his impiety to his parents.
        Kim Won-Sul spent the rest of his days, starving in the mountains, and died in an unknown year at an early age.

        4楼2011-07-27 23:12

          5楼2011-08-18 19:39

            来自掌上百度6楼2011-10-24 10:20

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