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1楼2011-08-09 17:08回复
    WWE recently posted a video of Rey Mysterio declaring that he wants his title shot and he wants it soon. He demanded to have it on the 15th of August, when Raw heads on over to San Diego, California, aka his hometown! It was announced on Raw that this is officially, well, official! Next week, Rey Mysterio gets his rematch against the Undisputed Champion. Who will it be? Well, we won’t know until Summer Slam, this Sunday, at 8PM EST. But, make sure you check out Rey in action NEXT WEEK.
    WWE最近公布了一个Rey关于他短暂的头衔及他想尽快又一次得到那个头衔的说明的视频。他要求在8月15日(美观时间)得到这场重站赛,,当RAW在加州圣地亚哥举行的时候,也就是Rey的家乡,它将被正式地宣布在这场RAW上,对!没错,正式的!下一周,Rey Mysterio将得到他那无容置疑的重站赛。谁将是他的对手呢?直到Summer Slam,这个星期天我们才会知道的,就在晚上8点。但是,你看看下周的比赛在确定吧~~~

    2楼2011-08-09 17:09