Weasley: This name could be from the world weasel, meaning (1) sneaky (2) being cowardly and running away from a situation. Or it could be from wheeze/wheezing/wheezy, meaning to breath loudly and heavily. Neither one really applies to this large wizarding family. Arthur (dad) means "a follower of Thor," the Viking god of thunder. Molly (mom) is derived from Mary, which in turn comes from Miriam, "mistress of the sea," or "bitter." Charles (Charlie, son) means "manly." William (Bill, son) means "desire to protect." Percy (son) is from the name Percival, "piercing the valley." Frederick (Fred, son) means "peace" (but this kid doesn't bring very much of it to his mom). George (son) means "farmer." Ronald (Ron, son) is from the Scandinavian form of Reynold, meaning "advice ruler," a leader who gives advice. Ginny (daughter) is from the name Virginia, meaning "virginal" or "pure.” 韦斯利的名字可能来自 weasel 这个单词,有黄鼠狼、狡辩、告密的意思。但都与这一家子的性格不符。Frederick, George, Charles, William 都是比较常见的名字。阿瑟是雷神(Thor)追随者的意思。(2011年的好莱坞电影《雷神》就是叫 Thor,是维京神话里的)。莫丽来自于另一个女名Miriam,“大海之女”或“苦涩”的意思。罗恩有提供建议者的意思,V金妮这个名字也许来自另一个女名Virginia,有贞洁、纯洁的意思。