A girl will never forget the first boy she likes, even if things don’t quite work out. But usually someone is there to offer words of wisdom: “Honey, do you know why that little boy did those things and said those things? Because he likes you.” And there it is, that’s the beginning of our problem. Do you know what this means? We’re all encouraged…No!programmed… To believe that if a guy acts like a total jerk, that means he likes you. Why do we say this stuff to each other? Is it possible that it’s because we’re too scared and it’s too hard to say the one obvious truth that’s staring everyone in the face?——He’s just not that into you. 女孩儿永远忘不掉她喜欢的第一个男孩儿。就算那一幕并不是那么完美。但总会有个人告诉你这句至理名言:“亲爱的,你知道那个男孩为什么那么做,为什么这么说你吗?因为他喜欢你。”就是这句,我们一切烦恼的开端。你知道这意味着什么?这是多么鼓舞人心啊…不,蛊惑人心…一厢情愿的以为如果男孩对你使坏的话,就意味着他喜欢上你了。为什么我们老这么和对方说?是因为一语道破真相对我们来说太惨无人道而真相却如此显而易见?——其实他没那么喜欢你。