In the Middle Ages the Church encouraged people to make pilgrimages to special holy places called shrines. It was believed that if you prayed at these shrines you might be forgiven for your sins and ha丨ve more chance of going to hea丨ven. Others went to shrines hoping to be cured from an illness they were suffering from.
The most popular shrine in England was the tomb of Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. When Becket was murdered local people managed to obtain pieces of cloth soaked in his b丨lood. Rumours soon spread that, when touched by this cloth, people were cured of b丨lindness/ epilepsy and leprosy. It was not long before the monks at Canterbury Cathedral were selling SΜall glass bottl丨es of Becket's b丨lood to visiting pilgrims.
Another important shrine was at Walsingham in Norfolk where there was a sealed glass jar that was said to contain the milk of the Virgin Mary. EraSΜus visited Walsingham and described the shrine as being surrounded "on all sides with gems, gold and silver." He also added that the water from the Walsingham spring was "efficacious in curing pains of the head and stomach."
At other shrines people went to see the teeth, bones, shoes, combs etc. that were said to ha丨ve once belonged to important Christian saints. The most common relics at these shrines were nails and pieces of wood that the keepers of the shrine claimed came from the cross used to crucify Jesus.
Important shrines in the Middle Ages included those at St. Winifred's Well, Lindisfarne, Glastonbury, Bromholm and St. Albans. When people arrived at the shrine they would pay money to be allowed to look at these holy relics. In some cases pilgrims were even allowed to touch and kiss them. The keeper of the shrine would also give the pilgrim a metal badge that had been st丨amped with the symbol of the shrine. These badges were then fixed to the pilgrim's hat so that people would know they had visited the shrine.
Some people went on pilgrimages abroad. In Pal丨estine, for example, it was possib丨le to visit a ca丨ve that was supposed to contain the beds of Adam and Eve and a pillar of salt that had once been Lots wife.
Tra丨velling on long journeys in the Middle Ages was a dangerous activity. Pilgrims often went in groups to protect themselves against outlaws.
Wealthy people sometimes preferred to pay others to go on a pilgrimage for them. For instance, in 1352 a London merchant paid a man £20 to go on a pilgrimage to Mount Sinai.
The most popular shrine in England was the tomb of Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. When Becket was murdered local people managed to obtain pieces of cloth soaked in his b丨lood. Rumours soon spread that, when touched by this cloth, people were cured of b丨lindness/ epilepsy and leprosy. It was not long before the monks at Canterbury Cathedral were selling SΜall glass bottl丨es of Becket's b丨lood to visiting pilgrims.
Another important shrine was at Walsingham in Norfolk where there was a sealed glass jar that was said to contain the milk of the Virgin Mary. EraSΜus visited Walsingham and described the shrine as being surrounded "on all sides with gems, gold and silver." He also added that the water from the Walsingham spring was "efficacious in curing pains of the head and stomach."
At other shrines people went to see the teeth, bones, shoes, combs etc. that were said to ha丨ve once belonged to important Christian saints. The most common relics at these shrines were nails and pieces of wood that the keepers of the shrine claimed came from the cross used to crucify Jesus.
Important shrines in the Middle Ages included those at St. Winifred's Well, Lindisfarne, Glastonbury, Bromholm and St. Albans. When people arrived at the shrine they would pay money to be allowed to look at these holy relics. In some cases pilgrims were even allowed to touch and kiss them. The keeper of the shrine would also give the pilgrim a metal badge that had been st丨amped with the symbol of the shrine. These badges were then fixed to the pilgrim's hat so that people would know they had visited the shrine.
Some people went on pilgrimages abroad. In Pal丨estine, for example, it was possib丨le to visit a ca丨ve that was supposed to contain the beds of Adam and Eve and a pillar of salt that had once been Lots wife.
Tra丨velling on long journeys in the Middle Ages was a dangerous activity. Pilgrims often went in groups to protect themselves against outlaws.
Wealthy people sometimes preferred to pay others to go on a pilgrimage for them. For instance, in 1352 a London merchant paid a man £20 to go on a pilgrimage to Mount Sinai.