雨音子 ˇ呗:radwimpsˇ ˇ作词:野田洋次郎ˇ ˇ作曲:野田洋次郎ˇ Nothing's on my back because I wanted it with you 我的背上毫无负担,因为我想要留给你倚靠 And I want you too... I want you 而我也想要你…我想要你 I'm still at my prime because no one will let it through 我还停滞在我最美好的时光,因为没有人会轻易让它流逝 I want you to... I want you to 我希望你能…我希望你能… You're caught up in the morning rain 你恰好赶上早晨的第一场雨 As always, you have called me again 一如既往,你又打电话给我了 I'll be there by seven, but I should've said eleven 我七点前就可以到你身边,但我当初应该说十一点的 Well just to make you teased again 嗯,只是想再戏弄你一次罢了 I hop out from the quiet bed 我从整齐的床上跳起 I hop on to the private train 我跳上火车包厢 Takes forty minutes ride from here 搭上四十分钟的车,从这里 To apartment where I aim to appear 到那栋我预定要在门前出现的公寓 I'll be your umbrella and I'll save you from Cruella everyday 我愿意成为你的雨伞,并从库伊拉*的手中拯救你,每一天每一天 So don't you shut me out of there as soon as all the sky is clear 所以拜托你,不要在乌云散去后就立即把我锁在门外 Because 因为 Nothing's on my back because I wanted it with you 我的背上毫无负担,因为我想要留给你倚靠 And I want you too... I want you 而我也想要你…我想要你 You're still at our flat where we kissed in every nook 你仍旧住在我们的公寓里(我们曾经在那里的每一块角落里接吻) That makes me so... that makes me so... 而这让我觉得…让我觉得… Good old station welcomes me 我踏上老旧的车站 I used to use it every week 从前我每周都会到这里来 Attendant still remembers me 车站人员还记得我 And gently he says,‘Where've you been?’ 他有礼地问,「这阵子你都跑去哪里了?」 I've been round in circles like an overturning turtle, I guess so 我一直在同样的循环里循环、像只跌倒的乌龟,我想是这样吧 I'm trying to overturn again but water in this pours me in 我试着爬起来,但水流不断往我身上倾泻 Nothing's on my map because I wanted it with you 我的地图空白,因为我想和你一同规划 And I want you too... I want you 而且我想要你…我想要你 Lasting dream won't last, I guess this saying's coming true 已持续的幻梦不会永久存在,我猜这句俗话就要成真了 I bet you so... I bet you so 我向你打赌…向你打赌 I finally arrive at Hilton suite 我总算到达了希尔顿套房 It's 6:08 but I rang the bell 才六点零八分,但我按响了铃 I gave her name and suddenly, 我报出名字,突然间 The rain has stopped to fall, and breezed 雨停止落下,微风吹起 (Way to go, way to go, way to go 要走的路,要走的路,要走的路 Where to go? where to go? where to go? 该前往何处?前往何处?前往何处? Where do you go? where do you go) 你会前去何方?你会前去何方? She answers me on entry phone 她透过对讲机回答我 My duty has been canceled off 我的职责已了 She said she's going out with friends 她说她正要和朋友一起出门 Now, there's nothing that I can say 现在,我已经没什么可说的了 Because I'm in charge of rainy days 因为我只负责下雨天 Nothing's on my back because I wanted it with you 我的背上毫无负担,因为我想要留给你倚靠 And I want you too... I want you 而我也想要你…我想要你 I'm still at my prime because no one will let it through 我还停滞在我最美好的时光,因为没有人会轻易让它流逝 I want you to... I want you to... 我希望你能…我希望你能… I miss you so... I miss you so... 我是如此思念你…我是如此思念你 I kissed you though... I kissed you though... 而我还是亲吻了你…我还是亲吻了你