Pluto is the planet of death, regeneration ,and reform. Pluto governs sex and reproduction—also wills, legacies, and inheritances. The personality of Pluto is dark, cold, and sorrowful. The Pluto type of death is usually from natural causes, illness, decay or old –age. Life under Pluto passes silently from this plane into the unknown. It might be recalled that in Greek mythology Pluto was the king of the underworld, dark and turgid, but at a special plea of mankind he allowed his wife Proserpine to visit the earth every year. Her coming was a rebirth of joy, and we call it springtime. As has been explained, Pluto removes conditions as well as persons, and starts the tide of rebirth.
In matters of reform Pluto is unlike Uranus. The Pluto type of reformation takes the form of penance.
On the worldly plane, Pluto governs the execution of wills, legacies, and inheritances.
In matters of reform Pluto is unlike Uranus. The Pluto type of reformation takes the form of penance.
On the worldly plane, Pluto governs the execution of wills, legacies, and inheritances.