焦作跑酷吧 关注:78贴子:374
  • 6回复贴,共1



  盈利性俱乐部 非盈利性俱乐部 把TRY与跑酷当做是工作与产业、未来在团队手里 ) 跑酷就是我的业余爱好、TRY就是我的家、未来在自己手里 固定的教练教学带队(教练自我训练时间减少) 自由训练,无教练,依据自我爱好训练(一改传统的大锅饭式教学) 每月学员需要上交固定学费,队员上交队费 ) 俱乐部此后不对学员与队员收取任何教学方面费用(纯交流性质) 学员、队员费用统一收上,用于房租,饮水,设备,医疗 ) 房租、饮水、**、AA或者自费(视人数而定) 团队人员的重大事故由团队承担50%的保护不当责任 ) 在法律上团队无责任(就像一起AA骑车、一起AA旅游) 学员只是学东西、队员只是强化、教练只是带队、队长只是全局发展 ) 任何人都可以发展这个团队、人人平等 管理层制定与决定团队所有事务、队长最终裁决 ) 任何人都有权利制定、提出可持续性发展建议 训练内容与训练地点由总教练制定与安排 ) 所有成员根据爱好与兴趣自发组织决定 所有成员受伤,出事,包括一切的一切。我们不付出任何责任
所有人不存在有教练员,队员,学员,从此统一为成员。  ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑以上是转型的事↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ 暑假马上就要结束了,大家要想想自己在暑假班中学到了什么,还有多少没有学到的,暑假班是结束了,但是我们的训练还在继续,我相信大家都不会这么轻易的就放弃这项时尚的运动吧,接下来我给大家宣布一些事情, 训练馆从9月份起,训练馆的租赁费用由管理人员跟核心队员来缴纳,学员们的训练,不收取学费,教练员也会免费为您做出辅导跟教学,尽量教会你们想学的东西,但是声明,如果训练时受伤,团队将概不负责,因为我们没有收取学费,我们只是在一起玩,所以...你懂得. 训练管从9月份起,学员每次训练 需缴纳训练馆的使用费, 人/次/5元, 如有人一次性缴纳10次的训练馆使用费(50元),将会获得由团队送出的免费使用训练馆一次, 如有人一次性缴纳20次的训练馆使用费(100元),将会获得由团队送出的免费使用训练馆两次, 上不封顶.(概不赊账) TRY we try ... 注意:最终解释权归团队所有 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 分割线 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Split line --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We TRy Parkour Club, summer classes coming to an end, the end of our summer vacation time is August 25, in September we will usher in a new TRy Parkour Club, in the summer classes as a result of various incidents, we can not help but have my heart Some idea of ​​it, we had the idea to say, that we may change, in September, we will usher in a non-profit model, as profit model and the non-profit model is as follows:

IP属地:河南1楼2011-09-09 19:57回复

    Profit non- profit club club
    Parkour as the TRY and is working with industry, the future in the hands of Parkour team is my hobby, TRY is myhome, the future in their own hands
    Fixed Instructor led (self-training coaches reduce the time) free training, no coaching, training based on self-love (a change in the teaching of traditional iron rice bowl)
    Students need to hand over a fixed monthly fee, players turned over to the team after the club fee does not charge any students and members of the teaching costs (net exchange of properties)
    Students, members receive the cost of unification, for rent, water, equipment, medical rent, water, medicines, AA, or at their own expense (subject to size)
    Major incident team members from the team take responsibility for 50% of inadequately protected no responsibility legal team (just like riding with AA, with AA Travel)
    Students just learn something, but to strengthen the team, coaches just led, global development leader but anyone can develop this team, everyone is equal
    Development and team management decided all matters, the captain has the right to any final decision to develop and put forward suggestions sustainability
    Training content and training locations and arrangements developed by the coach based on hobbies and interests of all members of the organizations of their own decisions
    All members were injured, the accident, including everything. We do not pay any liability
    There does not exist for all coaches, players, students, members from unified.
    We have to think about their high school classes in the summer to what the future have set ourselves a goal (to continue to practice in the case), and we set the cost of the gym is 500 yuan a month, I hope you all understand, such as order continue to this museum, we will comply with the specified non-profit model of AA, if you want to do this museum we will go out later if it will all outdoors, we fight about seeking the views of fat in this message, I do about statistics, as AA form, from the training center in September, the rental charge to pay by the administrator and members of the training participants will be from September 5 yuan per person, (no credit), and the first statement point, no, you can ask, but was injured in training, we are not responsible, we will exempt from all responsibility, I hope you all understand. We will notify people if the game, leading to competition, pays all expenses. If the students want to continue to practice, please reply to this message, if the data in the group changed its name, then please do not under their own name, I do statistics. Thank you for cooperation.
    If it was a one-time payment of 10 training fee is 50 yuan to send a free training site
    If it was a one-time payment of 20 training fee is 100 yuan to send two free training site
    Note: The final interpretation of all of our
    TRY we try...

    IP属地:河南2楼2011-09-09 19:57

      3楼2011-10-05 15:23
        那你。 必须的。。你是。 不改名,不知道谁了~!

        IP属地:河南4楼2011-10-14 11:00
          我是可宇 好长时间没去了 这个星期会去的 旭

          5楼2011-10-17 18:36

            6楼2011-10-17 18:41
              呵呵,恩。好好练吧。 你会很棒的。 我最近上班,没时间陪大家。等我什么时候放假了 好好的和大家聚聚。

              IP属地:河南7楼2011-10-18 20:36