zdtxdl吧 关注:1贴子:161
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IP属地:江苏1楼2011-09-10 19:18回复
    如果Troll不退,那么在进入射程的时候a他。注意小兵向我走来了,不要继续a,再往前走一点——这一点其实就是我两次攻击的间隔,小兵会走回去,因为他们的攻击顺序是不停的判断的,在走的过程中,我又是清白的了。我重复这个过程,我离小兵们越来越远,远到后来他们根本不再理会我——这个距离不算很远,自己体会吧。Troll很快发现他被小兵抛弃了,硬拼吧,他的攻击力不如我,我还可以随便用光之箭和龙破斩整他,他只好郁闷地走了。下面我就可以为所欲为了。  补充一个有点偏题的技巧。老费帖子的第5点提到了如何抢最后一下,嗯,a血最多的,然后在临界点a一下那个血最少的。但是如果你已经压制住了对方,那么更好的做法不是a血最多的,而是根本不打,只打那个要死的。这样战线才不会太快推进到对方的塔前(如果你本意不是推进的话)。一旦到了对方塔前,不论杀自己还是对方的小兵都会变得十分困难。  有些情况需要特别注意,比如我们血都不多了,但是我还有了结对手的能力,让我干掉他吧;或者恶战以后,对方被我打退了,我顺便蹭塔一点便宜再走吧。这种时候,迅速看一下对方兵的数目和位置,虽然你注意了我上面提到的原则,但是你很可能因为被判定为血特别少或者是最少的而成为攻击的对象,饮恨沙场。在一般意义上,死一次总是不值得的。当然也有战略意义上的兑子,但这不算基础,先不说(其实是我自己也不是很懂)   基本技巧补充 by GrimWind   其实Dota还是需要不少Ladder单人游戏的技巧。比如我是用UD的,有一定围杀技术,当我用召唤型英雄时有时可以进行包围歼灭。攻击敌人时我建议使用A,而不是右键。因为如果你右键没点中,你就有移动到该地点,那不是给人打吗? 相反如果你使用A没点中, 你的英雄不会移动,只不过找最近的敌人攻击,减少了致命错误发生的几率。  对于近身英雄,在早期,我建议保持与敌人一定的安全距离,直到发现一个小兵黄血才接近出手,有4,5成几率得钱。要观察到这些当然要用alt键。我一般喜欢初期装备回复戒指和2根树枝,尤其戒指是很重要的,因为你想多杀小兵赚钱,一定要能承受更多得伤害,高手总会在这时候攻击。  高手总喜欢Hit&Run,以致你很难在安全距离击中对方,但是经观察可以发现其节奏感,你应该相信你的判断,根据节奏出击,而不是看画面中他的移动步伐。(当你看到他向前冲,你再做反映,他很快又往后退了。)   最后,高手的战斗中,其实很难漏出破绽,如果不是多人埋伏,杀人机会不多。事实上,执着于如何弄死对方英雄必然会导致自己的失误。 你需要的是耐心,只在敌方有破绽时下杀着,而平时真正比拼的是谁赚的钱多。  说到真的想杀人,你就应该看全图,与自己人配合。 配合就是Dota最能创造奇迹,也最难预测的妙手。  隐形和反隐形的斗争 by TombAyo   岗哨守卫在对方有隐形单位时是非常重要的。如果对方有两个以上的隐形英雄,那么不要犹豫,买岗哨吧。岗哨摆放的位置非常重要。一般来说,如果买得比较早,而且对方赚钱得能力没你强,那么你应该大胆得把岗哨放到靠近对方的地方,以中路就应该放在对面高地边缘,这样有利于压制。一般来说,有隐形技能的英雄早期都比较弱。中后期对方的隐形英雄可能会带个真视宝石来拆岗哨。那时候要把岗哨放在对方看不到的地方,比如树丛中,那样即便对方有宝石也找不到岗哨。  至于有隐形能力的英雄,应该多留意对手身上的物品。发现对手有岗哨了,前期最好换地方,不行的话避免在有岗哨的地方作战。实际上如果对方买了岗哨又杀不死你,那只是浪费。中后期有钱了,考虑备一个宝石,这样在发现对方的岗哨后带上宝石去a掉,然后把宝石放回基地。(Heintje说,这点有些夸张,谁那么空老回基地啊,呵呵)不过如果遇上对方把岗哨插树堆里面的话,同时没有队友能帮忙毁树,那你要么避开,要么还是要买岗哨。  以上均是建议,战场的变化很多,还要看英雄克制等。  千万不要死脑筋才是正道。

    IP属地:江苏4楼2011-09-10 19:18
      it is first to be announced by the fans of the andylau:at see over this son hereafter word by word and sentence by sentence, my heart can''t be calm once in a very long while, shocking!why would like a son that like?!many years in bbs in horizontal network in my life , from thinking any further can''t there is any a son can move me, have never thought to come in sight of such ingenious and incomparable like this an a son today. floor lord, is you let me comprehending the‘someone outside the person profoundly, there is day outside the day'' this words.thank you ! at see over this son hereafter, i did not replies immediately, because i fear me the vulgar replies unbearablely will compromise this net last rare a son.but i replied still, because feel if can''t leave behind at the such fascinating a son own net, that i die too can''t the purpose of name !can leave own net an a matter for is how pride behind at the such fascinating a son!floor lord, beg your pardon my selfish! i know that describe the floor lord you with the how gorgeous words regardless the fascinating degree of a son is all not enough, is all hypocritical, so i think only of to say a:your a son is too good-looking!i would like to the lifetime sees the bottom! this son conceives outline novel, the topic has the mental strategy only, the paragraph is clear, details , fall the rise and fall, the main line is clear, fascinating, mild the extraordinary literature from bottom inside, is witty it may be said, a classic, is a model that my generation should the study. in regard to the angle of the cloak-and-dagger art, this son do not calculate too successful, but it of the experiment is however the far far larger than in meaning the success oneself.positive so-called:" a the horse dashes about, shooting the birds lead the bow, the world is all in my heart!" floor lord really not the is to has boundary new generation to open the mountain strange! i will have disappointed to this community originally, feeling that this community had no the prospect, the in the mind is filled with the woe.but saw your this son, let me producing the hope to the community again.is a fire that you let my in the mind set alight the hope afresh, is you make my heart cold ashes burn again, is you rescued me a stirs the cool stiring the cool heart! i decide originally and can''t return to any a son in the community, but saw your a son, it is what must return that i tell the oneself this son!this is once-in-a-lifetime o.k. stick!heaven contain eye, let me getting the such fascinating and incomparable a son at the excellent the can view in year that living! floor lord, you want to continue diligent!you are the hope of the community!

      IP属地:广东6楼2011-09-16 00:48