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最近, 看了数本Appraisal 的 Management books, 说如何用精确的英语用词去形容上司/同事/下属, 共有14大项. 现在, 分多次逐一介绍:-
Describing someone who is unaffected by a crisis or others?
(1) Apathetic (冷漠待人) (2) Calm (沉著镇定/心情平静) (3) Even-tempered (平常心) (4) Unresponsive (无反应/无同情心) (5) Indifference to (不感兴趣/不关心)
Describing someone who does not say much:-
(1) Discreet (谨慎) (2) Secretive (神秘/遮掩) (3) submissive (谦恭/服从)
(4) tight-lipped (守口如瓶/冷酷)
Describing someone who acts at work?
(1) Calculating (工如心计/精打细算) (2) Cautious (小心谨慎) (3) Prudent (精明世故/稳健)
(4) Sluggish (缓慢/节俭/懒惰) (5) Unrelenting (坚持不懈/铁石心肠)
Describing someone who acts quickly :
(1) Active (积极/主动)
(2) Efficient (有效率/有能力胜任)
(3) Hasty (急速/急躁/草率)
(4) Impetuous (冲动/鲁莽/急躁)
(5) Quick (迅速/机敏)
Describing someone who wishes to be accurate:-
(1) Careful (小心/仔细 )
(2) Exact (明确的/严格的 )
(3) Meticulous ( 小心翼翼的/细致的 )
(4) Painstaking (不辞劳苦/勤奋苦心 )
(5) Precise (精确的/精致的 )
(6) Thorough ( 完全彻底的/细致周到的 )
Describing someone who understands readily :-
(1) Bright (令人眼前一亮的聪明表现 )
(2) Discerning (有洞察力 )
(3) Intelligent (聪明才智- 多指知识学习或分析方面 )
(4) Shrewd (不容易受骗的精明/敏锐 )
(5) Smart (话头醒尾/懂看眉头眼额的聪明, 即广州话说的醒目/小聪明 )
(6) Sapientia(拉丁文), 英文字是 sapient ( 睿智- 明白大道理/世情的聪明, 如孔孟/老庄/佛家的智慧 )
(7) Analytical (对事物或数据的分析能力)

1楼2011-09-14 23:13回复