│uО●`s㏕e吧 关注:11贴子:309
  • 8回复贴,共1
[1:45:18] John Gregory: hey
[1:46:49] Oersted Trine: hey
[1:49:56] John Gregory: whats up
[1:50:21] Oersted Trine: nothing.
[1:50:29] Oersted Trine: you ?
[1:51:17] John Gregory: just got up
[1:52:32] Oersted Trine: are you go to work today?
[1:52:49] John Gregory: nope
[1:53:16] Oersted Trine: luck
[1:56:41] John Gregory: yeah
[1:56:51] John Gregory: i dont get to go to las vegas now though
[1:58:17] Oersted Trine: oh.so you alone at home now ? your family all go to las vegas?
[1:58:25] John Gregory: ill be alone all next week
[1:59:09] Oersted Trine: ohh its great
[1:59:15] John Gregory: yeah
[1:59:21] John Gregory: i dont know what im going to do though
[2:00:00] Oersted Trine: you can do what you want ..
[2:00:32] Oersted Trine: You'll free
[2:01:38] Oersted Trine: what do you want to do
[2:03:17] John Gregory: idk, no one will really come over
[2:05:16] Oersted Trine: hmmm you can out
[2:05:28] John Gregory: go out?
[2:05:42] Oersted Trine: yes
[2:07:52] Oersted Trine: hey whats the meaning of your picfile
[2:09:02] Oersted Trine: Profile
[2:35:12] John Gregory: its the soviet coat of arms
[2:36:26] John Gregory: sorry for my delay

1楼2011-09-25 13:33回复
    [2:38:11] Oersted Trine: never mind what are you up to
    [2:38:22] John Gregory: was just helpng my dad with something
    [2:38:24] John Gregory: now nothing
    [2:38:59] Oersted Trine: ok

    2楼2011-09-25 13:35
      [2:39:10] John Gregory: thinking about what to do all week
      [2:40:13] Oersted Trine: all week you dont need work?
      [2:40:23] John Gregory: i do
      [2:40:26] John Gregory: but in the mornings
      [2:41:11] Oersted Trine: oh you need get up early
      [2:41:16] John Gregory: yeah

      3楼2011-09-25 13:35
        [2:41:23] John Gregory: i think i have one night shift but
        [2:42:16] Oersted Trine: i see .
        [2:42:47] Oersted Trine: morning and night shifrt which better?
        [2:42:52] John Gregory: idk
        [2:43:06] John Gregory: i like night shift because i can sleep in
        [2:43:16] John Gregory: but i like morning cuz i can do things when i can get home

        4楼2011-09-25 13:35
          [2:44:13] Oersted Trine: yeah
          [2:46:25] Oersted Trine: do you have something which you cant do it when your family at home
          [2:46:40] John Gregory: not wear clothes
          [2:46:48] Oersted Trine: lol yeah
          [2:47:02] John Gregory: basically stuff like that
          [2:47:23] Oersted Trine: and all week you dont need wear clothes
          [2:47:27] John Gregory: yeah

          5楼2011-09-25 13:36
            [2:47:32] John Gregory: except for work but
            [2:48:08] Oersted Trine: lol
            [2:48:35] John Gregory: so gonna be naked and watch p0rn and stuff all week probably
            [2:49:31] Oersted Trine: ohh its great haha
            [2:49:46] John Gregory: yeah lol
            [2:50:43] John Gregory: wanna join me?(:
            [2:51:24] Oersted Trine: haha but i need work and school
            [2:51:33] John Gregory: damn:/

            6楼2011-09-25 13:37
              [2:51:49] Oersted Trine: yeah
              [2:52:46] Oersted Trine: and you can look for girl online have fun haha
              [2:52:52] John Gregory: i could
              [2:53:04] John Gregory: would you do that with me if you werent busy?:P
              [2:53:51] Oersted Trine: lol maybe no ;[
              [2:54:09] John Gregory: awww):
              [2:54:13] John Gregory: why not?
              [2:57:03] John Gregory: sorry if im making you feel weird, you brought it up and i think your pretty so
              [2:57:59] Oersted Trine: never mind
              [2:58:33] Oersted Trine: just im thinking about why not ...haha i dont know
              [2:58:46] John Gregory: lol ok:)
              [2:59:33] Oersted Trine: maybe i think so many guys do it , so its enough!
              [2:59:42] John Gregory: do what?
              [3:00:33] Oersted Trine: cam s34ex
              [3:00:44] John Gregory: ahhh
              [3:00:50] Oersted Trine: lol
              [3:00:50] John Gregory: but its fun lol
              [3:00:59] Oersted Trine: yeah
              [3:01:16] John Gregory: :)
              [3:02:37] Oersted Trine: so did you ever do that?
              [3:02:43] John Gregory: sometimes
              [3:02:54] Oersted Trine: oh lol
              [3:03:02] John Gregory: used to do things like that alot, like naked pictures of me and videos and stuff
              [3:03:09] John Gregory: but i was like really depressed then
              [3:04:35] John Gregory: kinda want to do stuff like that for fun but no one to do it with really
              [3:04:48] Oersted Trine: i see ...now you still do it ?
              [3:04:54] John Gregory: no
              [3:06:06] Oersted Trine: lol all guys ever do it i think
              [3:06:15] John Gregory: probably
              [3:07:23] Oersted Trine: you used to do it with your friends or redom
              [3:07:32] John Gregory: randoms
              [3:07:41] John Gregory: some of them are my friends now
              [3:08:02] John Gregory: most of them i dont know where they went
              [3:08:58] Oersted Trine: yeah can be friends cool lol
              [3:09:40] Oersted Trine: and now if you want do it ,you still find them
              [3:11:05] Oersted Trine: i think you guys can be friends with benefits when met
              [3:11:45] John Gregory: i guess
              [3:11:58] John Gregory: onyl really have one person who i used to do that with that i still talk to
              [3:12:01] John Gregory: and its a guy
              [3:12:09] John Gregory: and i just sent him videos
              [3:15:09] Oersted Trine: ohhh omg its cool. are you gay?
              [3:15:16] John Gregory: im bi
              [3:15:50] John Gregory: but webcam sex with guys i never did often just isnt as fun for me i guess
              [3:16:29] John Gregory: more attracted to girls
              [3:17:09] Oersted Trine: i see..
              [3:17:15] John Gregory: yeah
              [3:17:33] Oersted Trine: where is the girl
              [3:17:39] John Gregory: which girl?
              [3:18:04] Oersted Trine: used to do that
              [3:18:10] John Gregory: i dont know
              [3:18:14] John Gregory: theyre all gone it seems
              [3:19:32] Oersted Trine: lol maybe they thinks do it so many times ,its turn boring
              [3:19:54] John Gregory: i guess it can get boring
              [3:20:02] John Gregory: thats why i basically do whatever people want me to
              [3:21:12] Oersted Trine: your awesome
              [3:21:19] John Gregory: why?
              [3:21:55] Oersted Trine: you do anything? just they let u do ?
              [3:22:15] John Gregory: sorry?

              7楼2011-09-25 14:04
                [3:22:43] Oersted Trine: you do whatever people want you to
                [3:22:54] John Gregory: if its possible for me to do so yes
                [3:23:10] John Gregory: only thing i havent been able to do is something with another person
                [3:23:53] Oersted Trine: i see .. if you can ,its really fun
                [3:24:10] John Gregory: i bet
                [3:25:27] Oersted Trine: what did you say?
                [3:25:39] John Gregory: i said i would if i find a guy to do it
                [3:26:07] Oersted Trine: ohhh nice
                [3:26:49] John Gregory: so if youre interested in me doing things now i will:P
                [3:28:22] Oersted Trine: hmmm but i cant
                [3:28:38] John Gregory: well not now but
                [3:28:46] John Gregory: in the future
                [3:29:11] Oersted Trine: lol maybe i will
                [3:29:24] John Gregory: ;)
                [3:30:22] Oersted Trine: im interested in you guys talk what ... i mean still talk to you that guy
                [3:30:39] Oersted Trine: he is gay?
                [3:30:42] John Gregory: yeah
                [3:30:50] John Gregory: hes like my best friend though
                [3:30:57] John Gregory: im going to see him in brazil
                [3:31:30] Oersted Trine: woooow
                [3:31:45] Oersted Trine: so nice lol
                [3:32:03] Oersted Trine: your best friend ?
                [3:32:13] John Gregory: pretty much
                [3:32:20] John Gregory: i trust him more than most people i know
                [3:33:11] Oersted Trine: wow good friendship
                [3:33:20] John Gregory: yup
                [3:34:24] Oersted Trine: lol im really interested in you two
                [3:34:33] John Gregory: what do you wanna know
                [3:35:07] Oersted Trine: what you twos talk about
                [3:35:32] John Gregory: just whatever
                [3:35:41] John Gregory: sometimes sexual things not so much anymore but
                [3:36:11] Oersted Trine: everyday?
                [3:36:22] John Gregory: we talk everyday
                [3:36:43] Oersted Trine: lol he talk to you first
                [3:36:54] John Gregory: sometimes
                [3:37:11] John Gregory: he bitches sometimes because im not the best at keeping a conversation going
                [3:38:03] Oersted Trine: lol i see
                [3:38:07] Oersted Trine: do you like him?
                [3:38:32] Oersted Trine: he is gay . if he want to you be his boyfriend
                [3:39:09] John Gregory: i dont know
                [3:39:18] John Gregory: i dont know if we could date to be honest
                [3:40:17] Oersted Trine: lol but do you want?
                [3:40:32] John Gregory: not atm
                [3:40:37] John Gregory: i might have sex with him
                [3:41:08] Oersted Trine: wow
                [3:42:18] Oersted Trine: did you two ever talk with cam
                [3:42:30] John Gregory: sometimes
                [3:43:14] Oersted Trine: ok i see
                [3:44:18] Oersted Trine: who else still talk to them
                [3:44:36] John Gregory: people i used to send pics to and stuff?
                [3:45:02] Oersted Trine: yup
                [3:45:18] John Gregory: no one
                [3:45:29] John Gregory: there was a british girl i talked to for a while
                [3:45:44] John Gregory: then the rest just kinda left me
                [3:45:57] John Gregory: like a swedish girl got me started on that
                [3:46:13] Oersted Trine: i see
                [3:46:38] John Gregory: yeah
                [3:55:31] John Gregory: df
                [3:56:06] John Gregory: grrrr connection problems
                [4:10:26] Oersted Trine: fvck skype...its crash

                8楼2011-09-25 14:04
                  [4:43:08] Oersted Trine: did u ever met someone from danmark?
                  [4:44:16] John Gregory: dont think so
                  [4:44:29] John Gregory: id like to do things for/with you though just saying:P
                  [4:45:43] Oersted Trine: lol..
                  [4:46:15] Oersted Trine: you'd like to do things for anyone or just pretty girls ?
                  [4:46:21] John Gregory: met someone from every other scandanvian country
                  [4:46:30] John Gregory: doesnt matter to me really
                  [4:46:34] John Gregory: aslong as youre nice
                  [4:48:46] Oersted Trine: i see i think that swedish girl is hot right ?
                  [4:48:59] John Gregory: she was
                  [4:50:29] John Gregory: only sent me one picture though
                  [4:51:02] Oersted Trine: ahh i see .
                  [4:51:38] Oersted Trine: but she was real?
                  [4:51:44] John Gregory: i think:/
                  [4:51:48] Oersted Trine: good
                  [4:52:08] John Gregory: sometimes people just try to get you to send a picture of flash them then they leave
                  [4:52:45] Oersted Trine: yeah..
                  [4:53:07] John Gregory: :/
                  [4:53:36] Oersted Trine: sometimes many people is fake..
                  [4:53:41] John Gregory: i know
                  [4:53:54] Oersted Trine: cam can make sure lol
                  [4:53:55] John Gregory: thats why i dont really just do things unless i can see the person now
                  [4:53:59] John Gregory: yeah
                  [4:57:22] John Gregory: oh well people are just mean
                  [4:58:40] Oersted Trine: i see ..
                  [4:58:52] Oersted Trine: hold on
                  [4:58:58] John Gregory: ok
                  [5:01:47] Oersted Trine: back
                  [5:01:53] John Gregory: welcome back:)
                  [5:02:12] Oersted Trine: do you still keep in touch with swedish girl?
                  [5:02:16] John Gregory: no
                  [5:02:24] John Gregory: havent seen her in almos a year
                  [5:02:24] Oersted Trine: awww
                  [5:02:45] John Gregory: the brazillian guy is the only guy i still talk to from back then
                  [5:03:38] Oersted Trine: i see.
                  [5:03:48] John Gregory: i know
                  [5:04:43] Oersted Trine: i want to know more about you and girl and guy 's story
                  [5:05:10] John Gregory: what do you wanna know specifically
                  [5:06:21] Oersted Trine: the brazilian guy looks good?
                  [5:06:42] John Gregory: you mean is he attractive?
                  [5:06:52] Oersted Trine: yup
                  [5:07:03] John Gregory: hes cute
                  [5:07:11] Oersted Trine: oh lovely
                  [5:07:32] John Gregory: yeah
                  [5:09:07] Oersted Trine: ok we talk about that chiese girl
                  [5:09:24] John Gregory: what do you wanna know about her
                  [5:09:44] Oersted Trine: did you like chinese
                  [5:09:52] John Gregory: yeah
                  [5:10:20] Oersted Trine: me to
                  [5:10:43] John Gregory: she likes to watch gay p0rn lol
                  [5:11:09] Oersted Trine: wow ..cool
                  [5:11:33] John Gregory: which is why she wants to see me have sex with a guy
                  [5:11:55] Oersted Trine: lol i like boys get together
                  [5:12:10] Oersted Trine: i see
                  [5:12:16] John Gregory: and i like it when girls do lol
                  [5:12:38] Oersted Trine: lol is she nice ?
                  [5:12:43] John Gregory: yeah
                  [5:13:04] Oersted Trine: did u have sex with guy?
                  [5:13:13] John Gregory: no
                  [5:13:15] John Gregory: im a virgin
                  [5:13:22] John Gregory: i would though
                  [5:13:34] Oersted Trine: ahhh i see

                  10楼2011-09-25 14:04