第二步 Op Plan 制定短中长期预算
1. Long-Term
We usually started to work on Long-term planning toward the end of the year.
* Growth Playbook is the 1-3 years outlook for a company.
* Operation Plan is the one-year financial forecast.
How to prepare 1 year Op Plan?
1) List all the products will be selling the coming year.
2) Based on Strategy Review (Step I), Strategy term, Sales and Marketing will group up and decide the unit price and new product release date.
3) Sales term will provide an estimate on how many units they can sell on each product.
4) Based on historical data, forecast next year’s return percentage.
1) Based on previous years performance, Sales and Marketing will plan the major promotions (Such as Black Friday, Christmas Sale) and rebate programs for next year. They need to submit the budget for approval.
2) Finance term provide C&B (compensation & Benefit) estimate.
3) Finance gather “controllable” information from department heads. (Controllable means expense that can be controlled. It usually includes Travel&Leisure, Office Supplies, Equipments, Telephone, Employee Events, Legal, IT Expense, Food...)
4) Based on current marketing environment, estimate bad debt (uncollectable) percentage.
5) Add C&B, Controllable, Allocations, Bad Debt and other expense together; then divide them into 12 months and get the monthly expense amount.
After all the data is entered in the system, you can see the estimate profit (Revenue-Expense) for the next year.