It’s my favorite thing to do on a rainy day. I sit in front of that computer and create weird beats and synth patches. Ultimately it’s just a really cathartic process for me.
Hailey - 1971 Honda 100 motorcycle. It was the first bike I ever bought myself. It’s sparkly candy red with a white stripe. It’s the perfect tiny size for me.
I love driving around L.A. on a Sunday. Mulholland Drive, friend hopping, going to see a movie. It’s dreamy.
13. You feel best in Armani or Levis or…?
Grey - Skinny Jeans and a soft James Perse T shirt.
Hailey - Old Levis.
14. Your dinner guest at the Ritz would be?
Grey - Andy Warhol before the fame. I’d just like more than a yes or no answer from him, which I believe he started to do to the press because he had an aversion to them and liked to mess with them. I’d also want him to draw me a little sketch so that I wouldn’t go broke trying to get one nowadays.
Hailey - Beth Ditto. I have a feeling we’d have a lot to talk about.
15. Time travel: where, when and why?
Grey - I’d want to go back to when Dinosaurs roamed the Earth. I want to see a T-Rex up close.
Hailey - The distant future to see what we evolve into.
16. Stress management: hit man, spa vacation or Prozac?
We would both take a spa vacation.
17. Essential to life: coffee, vodka, cigarettes, chocolate, or…?
Grey - Coca Cola with crushed ice and a wedge of fresh lemon.
Hailey - Hot, creamy coffee.
18. Environ of choice: city or country, and where on the map?
Grey - Country for sure, somewhere in Montana with a big ranch house, horses and dogs running around and a rocking chair on my wraparound porch.
I’d also have a heliport so that I could fly into the city for necessary things, like stuff from the Apple store.
Hailey - I figure I’ll soak up the city life for as long as I can take it, and then one day disappear into the forest.
19. What do you want to say to the leader of your country?
Grey - Really?
Hailey - Huh?
20. Last but certainly not least, what are you working on, now?
Surviving the road!